Home Business NewsPolitics News After Corbyn's orders Shadow Welsh Secretary quits

After Corbyn's orders Shadow Welsh Secretary quits

27th Jan 17 3:33 pm

More Brexit news…

Shadow Welsh Secretary, Jo Stevens has quit after Jeremy Corbyn ordered his MPs to support the Article 50 bill.

Steven said she believed Brexit was “a terrible mistake”.

She is also the first member of the shadow cabinet to quit over the issue.

Tulip Siddiq quit on Thursday as shadow early years’ minister due to the three-line whip.

Two labour whips, these are those in charge of parliamentary discipline have said they will vote against the EU (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill, even though a three-line whip has been put in place.

Jeff Smith and Thangam Debbonaire have said they will be voting against it but neither have resigned their posts as party whips.

Frontbench members of parties are expected to resign from their position if they go again a three-line whip.

Shadow minister Daniel Zeichner has said he will vote against the bill as well as other MPs including former Culture Secretary Ben Bradshaw.

Shadow home secretary Diane Abbott, told the BBC: “MPs voted for a referendum, there was an extraordinary high turn out – 72 per cent – 17m people voted to leave. Many of them in some of our poorest areas,”

She also added: “How would it look if a bunch of politicians and commentators in London turned round and said: ‘We know you voted to leave but we’re just going to ignore you?’”

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