Home Business NewsBusiness 10 weird and wonderful workplace perks

10 weird and wonderful workplace perks

18th Apr 17 7:39 am

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British employers are offering weird and wonderful perks to attract top talent to their organisations, according to new research.

The study analysed one million+ open roles featured on Adzuna in April 2017, and highlighted some of the more unusual perks currently being advertised.

Doug Monro, co-founder of jobs search engine Adzuna, revealed:”Smart employers are proving that you don’t have to spend big on luxurious office perks or team bonding trips to lure top talent.  There are more cost-effective benefits out there that reflect companies’ cultures and employees really value. “

Unusual Perks Offered By Employers: 2017

1. Hangover Days: With an increasing number of startups, tech companies and organisations across the board keen to attract and retain young, vibrant, hungry employees and create dynamic, socially-driven atmospheres, more employers are offering an out to staff you feel less than their best after a hard night’s “brainstorming with the team”.

2, Feeding The Ducks: On the gentler side, one company currently hiring praised the surrounding area’s local beauty and suggested candidates take advantage of feeding the ducks during their lunch break. There’s no mention of whether or not they’d supply the bread, so candidates could definitely make an impression in the interview by enquiring further!

3. Pawternity Leave: The UK is a nation of dog lovers, so it’s only natural that some workplaces have started offering pawternity leave leave to help new pet parents settle in their pups. Companies that offer this perk and let you bring your dog to the office are definitely a candidate’s real best friend

4. Free Netflix: Ideal for those more inclined towards, perking overtime rather than working overtime, an increasing number of companies are offering free entertainment packages to new joiners for their free time. Smart applicants could even combine this fun benefit with a Hangover Day?

5. Free Ice Cream: While some HR departments may question whether the potential risk of brain freeze can be tolerated in the workforce, a growing number of employers are offering free ice cream to keep colleagues cool over summer. Will it turn into hundreds and thousands?

6. In Office Meditation Classes: With almost 26 million working days lost due to stress last year according to the HSE, weekly in office meditation provides extra peace of mind to employers as well as employees.

7. Attendance At Industry Award Ceremonies: Rolling out the red carpet for new employees is taking on a whole new meaning for British employers, as innovative recruiting managers ioffer the chance to rub shoulders with the industry leaders at major awards ceremonies.

8. Language Lessons: While many roles that are based overseas often offer free language lessons, there’s currently a web agency based in London providing free Japanese language lessons, while further west along the M4 you’ll find employers offering free Welsh lessons.

9. Wine Time Fridays: Adzuna has noticed the rise of ‘Beer Fridays’ over the last couple of years, but there’s good news for those that prefer grape over grain: Wine Time Fridays is in the diary at some employers.  

9. Wine Time Fridays: Adzuna has noticed the rise of ‘Beer Fridays’ over the last couple of years, but there’s good news for those that prefer grape over grain: Wine Time Fridays is in the diary at some employers.  

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