Home Business NewsBusiness 1.4m business at risk of power shortages

1.4m business at risk of power shortages

by LLB Reporter
23rd Oct 18 7:26 am

Data collected by UPS Systems, a leading supplier of business power continuity solutions, reveals that three-quarters of businesses rely on powered devices and information stored on local servers in order to function. 71% said business operations would be disrupted by a power cut with 49% stating that a power failure would impact every single person within the business.

Despite the obvious impact that power issues might cause, over a third of the senior professionals surveyed said they do not have a power continuity plan in place (23%) – or they don’t know what it is if they do (16%).

As a result, it is no surprise that 62% of businesses in the UK have lost power at some stage with staff complaining that they can last from either a few hours (40%), most of the day (10%) or even longer (12%).

Meanwhile, there is increasing concern among politicians that these figures could get even worse.  In January 2018, a House of Lords committee warned that Brexit could leave the UK more vulnerable to energy supply shortages.

Power issues do not just cause disruption to staff and operations. Even the smallest drop in power can damage servers resulting in data losses and system failures – with long-lasting effects. Therefore, it is vital that businesses consider protecting themselves and seek advice.

John Peers, CEO of UPS Systems says: “This new data doesn’t surprise us. We’ve seen a great uptake of our products in recent years as more and more businesses realise the importance of protecting their systems and data. Though sadly, we still get the odd client who has suffered a great financial loss to their business as a result of not having protective systems in place – which is why it’s so important to us that we share this insight.”

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