Home Business Insights & Advice Why you should be using perspex screens in your office space?

Why you should be using perspex screens in your office space?

by Sponsored Content
15th Sep 20 4:05 pm

As people are entering their offices now after a period of a few months, there are a lot of challenges faced by business owners and corporates in order to reopen their offices and welcoming their employees back at work in a safe and secure environment. This might require them to make a few changes in their existing office set up.

What are some of the measures that a business or corporate can take in order to ensure the safety and well-being of its employees? One answer to this question is having perspex screens which have become an essential element of any close working environment. Perspex screens or perspex protection screens can help in stopping the spread of any harmful particles from coughing or sneezing. A protective counter screen or perspex screen will eventually allow the employees to work and interact with their colleagues more safely without any hindrance.

It might not seem feasible for every office to keep a certain distance between the desks. In such a situation, a perspex screen for counters or counter screens for desks is the best solution. A lot of schools and businesses around the world have already started making use of perspex protective screens. This has given them the freedom to reopen safely.

There are a number of solutions for offices if you are keen on including perspex screens in your working environment. You will find a desk or counter screens in both small and large variants. Depending on the size of the table and the distance to be maintained between people sitting across or next to each other, you can choose the size of the perspex screens.

The large counter screens are mainly used for employees sitting across each other on the same desk, while small counter screens are for the employees sitting right next to each other.

Ways in which a perspex screen can be useful

When you attach a perspex screen to either the long or short end of the desk or counter, a splash screen is created which prevents the spread of particles in case employee coughs or sneezes or even when two or more employees are interacting with each other. This will allow the employees to work next to or opposite each other even if they are unable to maintain a safe distance.

Having perspex screens or counter screens only means that you are trying your best to avoid discomfort or taking enough precautions in order to gradually start welcoming your employees in the office space.

One of the best things about perspex protective screens is the versatility of the material. These perspex screens can be used for almost any type of desk or counter. Also, they are pretty easy to move from one place to another and to assemble and fix. The clarity of the acrylic sheet and the smooth finish of the screen make the working environment seem comfortable and spacious, rather than feeling like the screens are interrupting the interaction between the employees.

In addition to this, allowing perspex screens to be a regular element in your office space will in turn allow you to gather a bunch of employees and hold important meetings that would otherwise be inconvenient through a phone call or video call. Having perspex protective screens around means conducting in-person meetings much more safely.

There are solutions where you get to create one or more partitions at your meeting table. This facilitates the office or team meetings with several people attending at the same time.

Making the reception area more inviting

Every company has a reception area as well, where you might find people waiting for a meeting or an interview or just a visit to the office. It is important that the waiting areas have the same kind of precautions and offer the same level of comfort and precaution that’s provided to the employees already working in the office. You can make use of perspex screens between chairs and tables, while the reception desk can have a proper perspex protection screen which will allow the receptionist to be able to interact with the guests and feel safe at the same time.

Break rooms and pantries are also areas where sometimes you will find more than one or two people hanging out and taking a break. Whether it’s a space where employees gather and have lunch or just a seating arrangement where employees come to relax, you can try and incorporate perspex screens between lunch tables of couches in these areas.

Perspex screens will make things easier for you

Of course, every office is designed differently and has different requirements, but no matter the number of employees working at the office, having perspex screen protection is a basic necessity which will allow the office space to feel safe and will help you get through a workday easily.

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