Home Business Insights & Advice Why every business owner should give employees extra training

Why every business owner should give employees extra training

by Sarah Dunsby
18th Aug 23 11:33 am

A major sustainable business practice would be giving your employees proper training. This is fairly obvious, right? Every business knows that they need to provide proper training in order for their employees to not only be productive but to help shape the business to where it wants to be. But with that said, why not give extra training? Honestly, this is a huge mistake that more and more businesses seem to make. Employers want maximum production and a strong work culture, while employees want to be able to keep up in the industry. It can feel like a bit of a struggle, right?

At the end of the day,  business owners shouldn’t only think about what benefits them and their business, but they need to think about what benefits their employees too. Essentially, employees need to be able to keep up with industry standards, they need to constantly be in the know, and they need fulfillment too in the work that they do.

Eventually, if employees don’t feel like they’re getting what they need, you can count on them eventually leaving. So, you can say that additional training is a win-win! But honestly, it doesn’t stop there. There are plenty of other reasons why business owners need to give additional training, and here are a few!

You can expect even more productivity

Technology is constantly changing, standards are constantly changing, and even customer behavior and trends are always changing nonstop. Needless to say, productivity is a critical business metric and is a key component in a company’s financial success. Training employees to build upon their existing skills is a great way to do this. It also benefits the employee by building on their knowledge and boosting their confidence.

Generally speaking, because there are always changes, everyone needs to keep up, and sometimes, the only way to actually up is strictly through training. Whether it’s CITB Training Courses (if you’re in the construction or civil engineering industry), or other courses like something online, you just need to allow this because this is going to be the difference between your company being productive or not.

There’s usually more morale

You need to keep your team happy, or else you can expect your business to take a major nosedive.  High morale leads to team members pulling their weight, working efficiently, communicating well, and collaborating effectively. Low morale, on the other hand, leads to employees feeling discouraged or ignored, causing them to perform poorly and resent their work. It can also cause absenteeism and job turnover, which are costly to any business. The biggest difference between how these two come to be is usually the culture itself as well as how they feel about the company.

Every employee needs to have a clear path; they need to know what they can do for themselves to improve their future. But you need to show them, as a business owner and their boss, that you can help them. Employees want to learn; they want that additional education; they know they need it. So, it’s best to just help them with their career, as this is a surefire way to boost their morale.

The turnover rate is much lower

Generally speaking, employers who offer additional training, like paying for college courses, paying for a degree, or even things like a certification or license, will usually be way happier. As any employer knows, turnover can ruin a company.  Replacing an employee can take months and cost a lot of money, and can disrupt the workflow of your team.

High turnover also leads to staff morale issues and can prevent new hires from getting the training they need. Employees want to feel that they are appreciated and valued for the work they do. If they don’t, they might look for other employment opportunities that offer better benefits and recognition. Giving your employees extra training can help to make them feel more important and increase their chances of staying with your company for longer.

There will be way fewer injuries

Unless your company has a team that does manual labor, there typically isn’t much training that goes into preventing injuries. Sure, factories, retail, food service, construction, and other similar industries are going to have this expectation too. So, why do companies need to train employees for the sake of not getting injured? Other than the potential of being sued, there are other reasons too.

The average work-related injury causes employees to miss about eight days of work. That loss of productivity costs businesses money in lost wages and profits as well as workers’ compensation claims and medical expenses. It also costs to train or hire replacement employees – especially if you’re in a small business and one of your skilled workers is injured.

Providing safety training to your employees can help prevent many injuries and illnesses that might otherwise result in costly insurance claims for your business, client complaints, or contract disputes. You need to keep in mind that workplace safety isn’t just the responsibility of your trained employees but everyone in your company. Sometimes, just one day or week of training isn’t going to be enough; you might need more, way more, and more frequently too. Besides, industry standards and regulations change frequently too.

You’ll be creating a work culture filled with confidence

What business owner wouldn’t want their employees to all be brimming with confidence, right? When an employee feels confident, they solve problems quicker and are willing to take on challenging assignments. They’re also able to bounce back from mistakes, which is important in any type of job. Confident employees are also more likely to take career-building risks, such as volunteering for a new project or taking on a supervisory role.

But the only way to create these confident employees and to foster this confident culture would need to be just to train your employees extra. Allow them to take courses that they feel will help the company (and themselves), allow them, and even offer to pay for courses where they can get hard-to-get certifications and licenses. You’ll be helping them know their worth and even prove their worth.

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