Home Business Insights & Advice Why all online companies must adopt SEO strategies to rank their business in google search engines
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Why all online companies must adopt SEO strategies to rank their business in google search engines

by Sponsored Content
13th May 20 10:43 am

We are well immersed in the online world now. The days of only having a High Street presence are over and if a company wants to be successful, they have to be online. It is one thing having a website and producing a business card but if you are online and want to be seen and be visible to prospective customers or clients on the Google search engine, you must do more than just preparing an effective website.

In order to gain that presence, companies use a process known as SEO or Search Engine Optimisation. It is a method that is used to increase traffic or visitors to a website. By using SEO techniques, the traffic obtained is free, organic traffic and the website obtains a favourable position at or near the top of the search results displayed by Google. Hence, it is good to use these SEO techniques or get a trustable backlink company to settle it for you.

Generally, a company would choose key phrases that they wish to be visible for and when those phrases are entered into Google by someone searching, the company become visible to that person, or at least that is the objective. This is something that is spoken about regularly at the Search Engine Optimization at Digital Domination Dojo.

SEO is not an easy process for the layperson to negotiate and normally when a company understands the benefit of obtaining this presence in Google, they turn to the experts, there are companies who specialise in the process either by completing the process for the company or by providing high quality training courses. There is information online but if you are planning some in house SEO, it is important to make sure that you know the ropes as inexperienced operators can find themselves incurring penalties from Google against their site.

In order that SEO strategies are effective, your website will have to be assessed to decide whether or not there are factors which will impact on your ability to rank in Google. The structure of your site will have to be considered and the time taken to move from page to page is also important. SEO strategies will not be effective for poorly optimised sites. A well optimised site will help your customers too as they will find that it is much easier to navigate.

Unlike paid marketing strategies, SEO is not instant. It will take a number of months to ‘rank’ for your chosen keyword but once the ranking process is complete, the rankings should remain in place.

An SEO consultant can provide the following benefits

  • A company’s spend is not ongoing unlike paid marketing. There is an initial cost over a number of months and then traffic from that point is ‘free’. Results tend to remain in place and it therefore provides you with a long term strategy.
  • Traffic tends to be good quality organic traffic and there is a good conversion rate to sales.
  • It allows you to move ahead of your competition as your customers will see you first. Remember that there is a good chance that your competitors will also be using SEO techniques.
  • It allows your brand to have a presence on the search engines.
  • Conducted properly, it allows a company to become very profitable.

You do have to be careful with SEO as there is a wealth of information online and some of it is incorrect and inaccurate, so when deciding to use SEO techniques, you need to be aware of that and reach out for some effective information from reputable sources.

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