Home Business Insights & Advice Ultimate guide to clean and organise your closet

Ultimate guide to clean and organise your closet

by Sarah Dunsby
3rd Jun 24 12:44 pm

Imagine yourself trying frantically to find that particular dress or bag while running late for office. It is going to be a nightmare. Right? A messy closet loses its functionality making it hard to keep it in that way anymore. Undoubtedly, cleaning and organizing a closet involves some profuse tasks but you can spare a weekend at least a fortnight.

A clean closet not only gives you a piece of mind but also helps you to find the things that you have lost for a long time and get rid of the junk by utilizing the services of a reed waste collection company. In this article, we have created an ultimate guide to help you organize your closet easily.

Steps to declutter your closet

Here is a step-by-step guide to managing a stressless and easy-to-figure place for your clothes and accessories. Spare some time and get your dream closet.

1. Remove everything from your closet

The first step is to remove everything from your closet to find the things that have occupied the deep corners for a long time. Sometimes, you will get shocked to find your favorite missing dress shrunk to the corner. So, remove each and everything. However, if you find small items like hair pins etc, specify a separate basket beforehand so they won’t end up lost in the pile of junk during cleaning.

At this point, you may think of overburdening yourself but Trust me! This is an important task to evaluate what you own and how much area your closet has to fit everything you need in your wardrobe.

2. Sort everything into separate piles

Just keep one thing in mind, you are not going to put everything back as this process is called cleaning and organizing not just organizing. So, you need to sort everything into separate categories. We recommend these four categories: Keep, Sell, Donate, and Discard. Keep only those items that you are going to use, clothes that fit you, or accessories that are good in shape.

Sell or Donate such items that are in good shape but are no longer in your use for whatever reason it is. Let anyone else enjoy them. For the things that are worn out or damaged, the only solution is to discard them. No matter how much you love those items, there is no sense of stuffing your closet with things no longer in your use.

3. Categorise everything

This step is crucial to get an idea of the volume of the things that you have considered to keep and re-evaluate your choices if any piles grow much larger than the others. It is the time to categorize everything and arrange them accordingly.

Firstly, categorize your clothes into formals, semi-formal, casuals, nightwear, etc. Similarly, do it for other things like shoes, bags, belts, and jewelry. Make sure that only those things are present at that stage who are going to be a part of your dress-up this season. Remove the rest if you find it during categorizing.

4. Clean your closet

By decluttering, we do not only mean to declutter the items in your closet but also to clean each corner for a neat and dust-free space for your clothes. Before moving everything back, clean your closet to remove the piled-up dust in that area.

Start with dusting and mopping the selves, hanging rods, and floor of the closet, and remove and clean all the storage baskets, containers, or drawers that are part of your closet. Vacuum everything and use an all-purpose cleaner to remove any stain. End with disinfection as a preventive measure.

5. Organise your closet

Here is the most awaited step, organizing your closet with your beloved possessions. One rule of organization is to keep only as many things as your closet can accommodate to ensure its functionality. Keep everything at easy-to-reach places, so you will never lose anything. Specify separate compartments for each kind. You can create your organization plan that suits you but keep these few tips in your mind.

You can also maximize your storage space by getting a few organizers for your closet. Get drawer dividers for separating small accessories, undergarments, and socks. Similarly, storage bins and baskets are a wise option for compartmentalizing large items like seasonal or dirty clothes or hanging storage for bags. Get some shoe stackers to organize your shoes, so they stay in good condition longer.

Final words

Cleaning your closet can be overwhelming but you enjoy the process when you start doing it and the result pays off your hours of endless efforts. Start by removing everything, then separating the junk, and sorting the “keep” items. Analyze your storage space and maximize it by getting different kinds of organizers for each kind of item. Clean your closet and arrange everything back for a decluttered and stress-free wardrobe. Also, look out for the London Jack Removal services if you are planning on moving to a new home.

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