Home Business NewsBusiness UK launches first Syria air strikes just 57 MINUTES after MPs vote

UK launches first Syria air strikes just 57 MINUTES after MPs vote

by LLB Editor
3rd Dec 15 9:34 am

Eight jets, six Typhoons and two Tornados flew out from RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland this morning

Britain has carried out its first air strikes against the Islamic State in Syria, the Ministry of Defence said today.

Last nights, MPs backed UK air strikes against the Islamic State in Syria, by 397 votes to 223.

Four RAF Tornado jets started the operation as soon as the 10-hour Commons debate was over.

According to various media reports, eight more jets, six Typhoons and two Tornados, flew out from RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland this morning.

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Defence Secretary Michael Fallon, who voted in favour of the strikes, said the first strikes targeted the Omar oil fields in eastern Syria.

Fallon told Sky News: “This was a key infrastructure target. There are very large oil fields in Eastern Syria and it is very important – it was a key feature of the debate yesterday to disrupt the revenue that the terrorists are getting because that is how they are financing their operations.

“There are plenty more of these targets throughout eastern and northern Syria which we hope to be striking in the next few days and weeks.

“There are two types of action the Royal Air Force has been involved in in Iraq: tackling deliberate targets – particular buildings, installations, supply routes, depots and so on – and secondly in close air support of the ground forces.”

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