Home Business News UK coronavirus daily death toll now third highest in the world

UK coronavirus daily death toll now third highest in the world

by LLB Reporter
8th Apr 20 4:21 pm

The UK has shockingly recorded third highest daily death toll in the world on Wednesday, as 936 deaths were recorded, we now stand behind the US and France.

On Wednesday NHS England said, in England 828 coronavirus patients died in hospitals, with the total being 6,483, said NHS England. Scotland announced 70 deaths, whilst Wales had 33 more deaths.

The UK coronavirus death toll is far higher than Spain or Italy’s death toll, which were the two hardest hit countries in Europe.

Spain has a total of 14,555 death with 146,690 confirmed cases of coronavirus, Italy has 17,127 death and 135,586 cases.

The British government are set to place London in a full lockdown as many people are flouting the coronavirus lockdown.

The aggressive full lockdown measures set to be enforced across London by the government comes as Covid Idiots are blatantly ignoring the law and are sunbathing and playing golf, football or cricket.

Police in Kensal Green, North London shared a video of the Covid Idiots running and collecting their belongings, when police approached them.

Kensal Police tweeted, “Officers from @MPSKensalGreen were tasked to deal with people not following government rules.

“What we found in Chandos Recreation Ground NW9 is ridiculous!! 20-30 males playing cricket and running away after seeing police.”

The Health Secretary, Matt Hancock has repeatedly warned Britons not to sunbathe and only go out if it is essential.

This comes after many people are ignoring the governments advice, which is “backed up in law” as groups of people are still gathering in parks and other public spaces.

Parks in Battersea on Saturday were full of people gathering, and also along the River Thames.

Hancock said, “We’re absolutely clear that you should not leave your home unless it’s for one of four reasons: for medical reasons, to buy food, to go to work if you can’t work at home and for exercise.”

He added that the rules are there for the protection of public health, these are “backed up in law.”

“It is not a request, it is a requirement in law and people need to follow it.

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