Home Business News Uber ban overturned, wins short-term licence in London

Uber ban overturned, wins short-term licence in London

by Purvai Dua
27th Jun 18 9:39 am

Mayor tweeted: Uber must show they’ve truly changed

In a partial victory, Uber has been granted a probationary license to operate in London after a court hearing. The new license is subject to strict conditions, and come with a warning to prove it had changed to retain its right to operate in London.

Uber overhauled its policies and personnel in Britain after TfL refused to renew its license in September for failings in its approach to reporting serious criminal offences and background checks on drivers.

Judge Emma Arbuthnot stated that changes made by its London subsidiary in light of the ruling were sufficient for Uber to be considered “fit and proper” to operate as she granted a 15-month “probationary” license.

The license is much shorter than the five-year license it was denied in September, and London Mayor Sadiq Khan was clear that the court ruling was no carte blanche for Uber in London.

Khan tweeted:


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