Home Business News Truss hit with a stinging attack as Tory MPs are warned the Party ‘lives or dies by its ability to manage’ finances

Truss hit with a stinging attack as Tory MPs are warned the Party ‘lives or dies by its ability to manage’ finances

by LLB political Reporter
4th Oct 22 3:40 pm

Priti Patel has launched a scathing attack on the Prime Minister as she warned fellow Tory MPs the conservative Party could “die.”

Making her first speech since resigning as the Home Secretary under Boris Johnson’s government she gave a stinging attack on Truss for borrowing £60bn to pay for the tax cuts.

She told Tory MPs, “As Margaret Thatcher showed us, we must ensure our spending and debt are sustainable in order to bring taxes down.

“Otherwise, interest rate rises, inflation and instability may mean that the growth never arrives, debt balloons further, and taxes go back up.

“It is our responsibility to do what it takes to achieve that sustainably by careful management of public spending.

“Because the Conservative Party lives or dies by its ability to manage the nation’s finances well.

“None of this will be easy. It will involve difficult and bold decisions.”

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