Home Business Insights & Advice Tips to protect your small business from cyberattacks

Tips to protect your small business from cyberattacks

by Sarah Dunsby
17th Jan 22 9:54 am

As cybercrime is fast rising, it is becoming increasingly important to learn proper security methods to protect your business. Most businesses use the internet to store confidential information. Small businesses tend to suffer more as they don’t have the right knowledge of resources that could implement great cyber security for their protection.

Small businesses are easier to tap into due to their outdated computers and software. Also, most small business owners and employees lack basic training in cyberattacks measures and make risky mistakes that could cost them. So, it’s best to follow good internet safety practices if they have been neglected in the past so that it becomes difficult and more complex for the hacker to intrude into your businesses.

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Below are some top cybersecurity tips that help you learn more about data theft and cyber security for small businesses.

Tip 1 – Back up your data

Always bear in mind that it’s essential to back up your data and there’s no way without it. Doesn’t matter whichever way you choose to do but know its importance. You could either store your data in the cloud or send it off-site to a records management facility that keeps it safe. Backing up your data will save you a great deal from any further headaches in times of a security crisis.

Why it is essential to do the needful is because small business owners backup word processing documents, spreadsheets, human resource documents and files, databases and any other documents that include data that is crucial to your business. In this case, it’s important to keep the data secure and safe.

Tip 2 – Train your employees

Unfortunately, most cyberattacks that take place are often due to the negligence of employees. Since employees are not well trained, they are the ones who are responsible for them. Having basic knowledge and understanding of cybersecurity can go a long way and protect business. According to a recent study on business, security managers observed that employees share passwords with colleagues 43% of the time and log in to unsecured WiFi networks 53% of the time.

The first and foremost step to avoid any such situation from happening is to get all your employees on board for better cybersecurity practices. You can then implement these practices in your workplace for the welfare of your employees and the business. In addition to this, you can also create a cybersecurity policy that every employee follows religiously, establishing a great security mindset preventing your business from any cybercrime.

Tip 3 – Use strong password

A strong password can make a considerable difference between a hacked computer and a safe company. Since most companies operate on the web, it’s vital to have a strong password that cannot be easily tapped into. Using a simple password can put your company at risk and employees in a vulnerable situation. Managers must ensure that all employees are changing passwords frequently. A password management system can come in handy by keeping a record of all the passwords so that it’s not difficult to remember them.

Tip 4 – Keep your system updated

It’s essential to keep your operating system updated to avoid any glitches. A good antivirus program on regular intervals can help protect your company computers from any security breach. Please ensure to run your antivirus after each and every update just to make sure it’s protected against malware and viruses.

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Tip 5Have data breach prevention tools
You ought to ensure that all employees are actually monitoring the detection tools. It is important to not only try to prevent a breach, but to make sure that if a breach occurs, the company is aware as soon as possible in order to take the right measures and put an end to it. Time is of great essence and can’t be done away with.

Tip 6 – Secure your WiFi

To protect your business against any security breach, it is essential that your WiFi networks are secured, encrypted and hidden. According to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), you need to ensure that your WiFi password is only shared with your employees who need it. It’s a good practice to keep your employees informed about the potential dangers of sharing passwords in the office environment. Here, a VPN comes into play, ensuring that everyone is using a secured WiFi network, keeping all the snoopers at bay.

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