Home Business NewsBusiness Thousands of farmers join Downing Street rally to highlight “struggling” industry

Thousands of farmers join Downing Street rally to highlight “struggling” industry

23rd Mar 16 3:00 pm

No farmers, no food

Thousands of farmers marched through Trafalgar Square to Downing Street to highlight the “crisis” their industry is dealing with.

Dairy farmers are concerned that inconsistent milk prices threaten to devastate their industry.

The farmers have written to Prime Minister David Cameron to intervene in the matter.

The rally has been organised by pressure group Farmers 4 Action.

Nigel Batten, a farmer from Tenby, Pembrokeshire, told the BBC: “Our aim is to get the message out that we can’t survive on what we’re being paid.

“If the UK population are happy to live on imported food with a much lower [animal] welfare standards then that’s what will happen.”








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