Home Business Insights & Advice Those retro hobbies that never should have left us

Those retro hobbies that never should have left us

by Sponsored Content
17th Dec 18 10:33 am

It could be how so many of us are stuck in front of a screen for a large portion of the day, or just that simple longing for something nostalgic. Whatever it is, some retro hobbies are so popular it’s a wonder how they left us in the first place. Here are just a few retro pastimes that remind us what was so great about days gone by.


Once a game purely for old ladies, now millions enjoy playing the game online. It isn’t difficult to understand why the Internet has revived a game that was once thought of as being dead and buried, as it provides instant 24/7 entertainment. Many of the large bookmakers are getting in on the act, which has led to comparison sites such as bestbingosites.co.uk giving their two cents worth on the best and biggest bingo sites out there. They compare those all-enticing welcome bonuses, among other things. At the end of the day, of course, it’s up to you to choose a site you can trust. But then, it never hurts to get a recommendation.


Knitting is having to take a back seat thanks to a hobby that is once again becoming popular among young people who love nothing make than making adorable heirlooms with their very own two hands. Quilting, not unlike hipster baby names Edith And Agnes (Despicable Me, anyone?), is taking the world by storm. If you feel that taking on an entire quilt all on your own sounds overwhelming to you, get out your needle and thread and start small.


Life can sometimes feel all too easy when typing away on your laptop. It might even go as far as to make you long for the days when your parents or grandparents had to punch one letter at a time. Many of us went through a period when our old typewriters were replaced by computers and our old friends became nothing more than furniture or a mere toy. While not as trendy as space travel, typewriters have become a valid form of play to enthusiasts and writers all over (including the great Tom Hanks) who have become fanatical about playing around with their old but classic object of affection.

Road trips

Pack up your favourite board games and create a playlist that’s sure to keep you and your passengers entertained. The number of visitors making their way to national parks has really soared in the past few years. Think about some of the negative publicity air travel has received of late and you are perhaps on to just one of the reasons why this might be the case. But there’s also a lot of fun to be had. Just ensure that you bring your foil packet dinners along for when you all get hungry.

Record collection

Listening to a single side of a record affords you just the right amount of time it takes to relax while enjoying the music just like was intended. Plus it’s also an excuse to raid your family’s and friends’ homes for those hidden gems (along with some that you’ll probably just want to pass on). If you don’t see yourself digging through thrift stores, there’s no shortage of modern artists releasing new music to vinyl.

Classic cocktails

Before you get into relax-mode while enjoying your latest vinyl addition, mix up a drink and sip on

a classic cocktail from the old days. Ensure that you stay faithful to tradition with a brandy old-fashioned sweet, a circusy sidecar, or a gin martini. Or you may even opt for your very own signature drink. Just don’t forget to give it a fun name.

So don’t be shy about reminiscing through your old photos, or maybe just ask your parents how they whiled away the hours when they were young and hip, and you’ll be well on your way to enjoying those pastimes from yesteryear. If you manage to persuade your friends or significant other to join in, you’ll have even more fun.

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