Home Lifestyle NewsArt & Culture News The top 50 first world problems will astonish you

The top 50 first world problems will astonish you

by LLB Editor
31st Dec 15 10:21 am

Over 30 million Britons experience a first world problem every day.

Don’t feel too bad for yourselves just yet because these problems include everything from a runny nose to not being able to find the end of the sellotape.

A survey by animal charity SPANA, that asked 2,000 adults in Britain to share their problems, found the top 50 issues that irk Brits.

Jeremy Hulme, chief executive of SPANA, said that most of these problems were “trivial”.

“It’s so easy for minor, everyday problems to seem like a big deal, and most people in Britain admit to losing perspective at times.”

“But these sorts of irritations really are so trivial compared to the problems faced daily all around the world – by both people and animals.”

So brace yourselves Brits, here are your 50 biggest problems:

1.Having a runny nose

2.Call from unknown numbers

3.Being left on hold when calling a company

4.Receiving a ‘we missed you’ card for a failed parcel delivery

5.People who ignore queuing etiquette

6.Having no WiFi

7.Having to pay 5p to carry your own shopping home

8.Door-to-door salespeople

9.Having a bad phone signal

10.Not being able to find the end of the sellotape

11.Having to stand on public transport

12.Wanting to log into an account but being unable to remember the password

13.Not finding anything you like when clothes shopping

14.Having to use a tin opener when the tin doesn’t have a ring pull

15.No-one replaced the toilet roll

16.Running out of milk

17.Online deliveries arriving late

18.Unexpected items in the bagging area at self-checkouts

19.Dunking a biscuit and losing half of it in the cup of tea

20.Satsumas that have loads of pips in

21.Blisters from new shoes

22.Not being able to fast forward live TV

23.Your neighbour parking outside your house when they already have more parking space than you

24.When public transport doesn’t turn up on time

25.A Sky+ recording clash

26.Tea going cold

27.A wardrobe full of clothes but nothing to wear

28.Hotels with plug sockets too far from the mirror/bed

29.Not having 4G signal, merely 3G

30.Sitting in front of or near children on a plane

31.Forgetting your gloves on a cold day

32.Crème eggs not being on sale all year round

33.Takeaway takes too long to be delivered

34.Important emails go into the junk folder

35.Having so much ice in a drink you can’t get to the actual drink

36.When there is a power cut and you can’t watch TV or make a cup of tea

37.Deliveries or meter reading visits at awkward times

38.It’s freezing outside but boiling in the office

39.Having to package up and return clothes you bought online and don’t want

40.Chipped nail polish

41.Running out of hot water

42.Ladders in tights

43.Leaving the phone charger at home

44.Shop assistant giving you coins instead of a note as change

45.Wine/tea/coffee staining your teeth

46.Tea that is over-brewed and has scum at the top

47.Long queue in the coffee shop

48.Not having matching bed linen and towels

49.The taxi driver arrives late

50.A pulled muscle after exercise

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