Home Business Insights & Advice The nine biggest risks to your money

The nine biggest risks to your money

by Sarah Dunsby
29th Aug 23 1:16 pm

Some of the biggest risks to your money are right in front of you. However, you can offset and reduce risk with forethought and wise decisions. But even then, your money is at risk if you don’t plan correctly, and protection from criminals is vital in the modern world. Here are some more.

Breaking the law

There are financial penalties for breaking the law. You can be sued, and fines can be levied for all kinds of crimes. For example, suppose you have a drink and drive, resulting in a crash where someone is injured. A car accident lawyer will work on the victim’s behalf to ensure payment is made. There are also tax laws you need to be aware of, as not paying taxes results in penalties. These are added to the money you already owe, meaning more financial stress.

Not planning ahead poses risks to your money

Anything can happen at any time, and you never know when you will need some money. Damaged car, broken PC, or a hole in your roof. Things happen in life, and more often than not, they cost money. But you can make any hassle less stressful by planning ahead a little. For example, an emergency fund of around £1,500 will help with most everyday issues, such as replacing a fridge. And it will help set aside 1% of your home’s value for annual repairs.

Most people do not have as clear an understanding of money and how to keep it growing as they should. Others are prone to spending it when they get it, rather than putting it towards good use in the future, whether that’s retirement or being able to create a secondary income. With financial advice near you, you can make sure that you’re benefiting from the wisdom of those who know the options available on the market. With the right professional advice, you can put your money where it will do the most good depending on your specific goals.

A change in interest rates

Savings are a great thing to have. And any financial advisor will tell you to save. But they will also tell you that savings lose value and the interest rates often aren’t enough to cover monetary value loss. For instance, funds in a fixed-rate savings account can earn less than the current market rate. Then again, they can also work much better for you when the rate is high. For these reasons, you need to think carefully before entering your money into a savings account.

The risk of inflation

As you are probably well aware, inflation can harm your funds significantly. Inflation rates are currently at the highest for years, and it is affecting world economies negatively. On a personal level, your savings are likely to be severely negatively affected by inflation, too. For example, a 2% interest rate savings account will lose 1% of its value when inflation is at 3%. Additionally, the higher costs of food and services mean you may be more likely to use your savings.

Risks when investing

All investments are risky, and some are just like gambling. You can’t do anything to manage the risk of investments apart from learning how to do it effectively. If you can’t learn, then don’t do it. However, if you want to, then you need to be aware of some of the biggest risks of investing:

  • There are often large swings in the price and value of commodities.
  • The stock value of shares you have in a company is affected by headline news.
  • Share prices can be negatively affected by a reduction in a company’s credit score.
  • A business you invest in can become obsolete because of its products or services.
  • There has been significant fraud and criminal financial history at the company.
  • Your holdings as an investor can be damaged by government compliance issues.
  • Financial models used by a company you invest in can become out of date.

These are some of the core universal risks that every stock faces. Of course, there are other investment areas, such as real estate, crypto, and NFTs. Due diligence and education are the only real ways to mitigate risk on your side of things, and speaking to experts is well-advised.

Changes to the markets

If you do decide to invest money in stocks, there are significant risk factors, including how the market changes. In almost all cases, this is unpredictable, and you can lose a lot of money. When the index falls, so does your stock value. This is why most investors diversify their portfolios to cushion any blows, as you can also short stocks in anticipation of downward trends. However, each investment has risks that are just as big as the reward, and you may lose.

The performance of funds

You can never know with a high degree of certainty how well a fund will perform. Going with respected and experienced firms is a good way of minimizing the risk. But there is never a guarantee. Remember, even the mighty Lehman Brothers fell in the crash of 2008 after over 150 years of successful investing. All funds operate differently, and while some take risks for greater rewards, some operate more cautiously and can be better if you are worried about it.

Risks to your money includes crime

Home invasions and similar crimes are common all over the world. But in the UK alone, there are almost 600 burglaries recorded every day. More often than not, these are drug-related as addicts look for valuables to sell. While a missing TV is annoying, having your money or bank cards stolen is a nightmare. Money is money, and you need it for daily life. But there are also other risks of having personal details stolen, such as access to savings and dark web data sale.

Not making it work for you

Keeping a stash under your bed and even in a savings account is OK in the short term. Yet long-term, saved money stockpiles don’t do anything for you. And because of interest rates and inflation, your stored money will lose value, too. Therefore, you need to make it work for you. This is easily done, and all you need to do is diversify where you put small amounts of money. Multiple smaller investments, such as REITs and pensions, can add up to larger finances.


Breaking the law by not paying taxes or even engaging in a crime are some of the biggest risks to your money. Investing is also always a risk, and you must take any advice on board. Finally, stored money does nothing for you, so it helps to use strategies like pensions and REITs.

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