Home Lifestyle NewsArt & Culture News The fret set: Brits can't switch off during holiday

The fret set: Brits can't switch off during holiday

15th May 17 10:36 am

Study finds

From checking emails abroad, to worrying about the safety of pets, a new survey from Nest Labs, Inc. reveals that concerns and stresses are stopping British travellers from making the most of their holidays.

Spending an estimated £1,310 on a holiday, over half of the average UK monthly salary, there is no doubt that escaping is important to the British population. With 80 per cent of Brits stating the main reason for their vacation is to relax and a further 45 per cent admitting it’s to retreat from the pressures of work, it’s clear Brits go abroad to put the stresses of home behind them.

However, despite jetting off to warmer climates the study shows that Brits find it hard to let go of home and the anxieties that  come with it. In fact, the findings estimate a total of 2.5 days of an average 7-day break are not fully enjoyed as holidaymakers worry about things at home and fail to switch into ‘holiday mode’ – wasting over a third of their holiday.

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail

Even before people head off to the airport the pressure of a trip begins, with almost 40 per cent of Brits stating that planning their holidays causes anxiety, and a worrying 40 per cent of those stating that they find being on holiday equally as stressful.

The Nest survey revealed that this may be due to Brits setting themselves up for failure by neglecting to put the right measures in place, with 25 per cent not starting to pack till less than a day before their trip. With so many people failing to give themselves adequate time to prepare forgetting to pack essential items is a huge worry.

Bank cards topped the list as the item likely to cause most stress if forgotten to pack (58 per cent), with 26 per cent stating a phone charger would be the worst thing to leave behind, 24 per cent saying glasses and 10 per cent claiming forgetting their make-up would be the most stressful item to fail to pack.

In-fact before even jetting out of the UK, home related anxieties are the top concern with 84 per cent of Brits confessing to being worried about leaving an electrical appliance plugged in or doors and windows open, in contrast to just 37 per cent fretting about leaving their passport behind.

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