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Home Business Insights & Advice The art of writing compelling promotional copy: Dos and Don’ts

The art of writing compelling promotional copy: Dos and Don’ts

by Sarah Dunsby
11th Mar 24 3:50 pm

Ever felt your promotional copy just blends into the background, unnoticed? Imagine your words sparking curiosity, drawing readers in with a magnetic pull. It’s not just about selling; it’s about connecting, engaging, and building relationships.

We’ve decoded the art of crafting compelling promotional copy that resonates with your audience. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, our guide is packed with actionable tips to transform your copy from mundane to memorable.

Dive into our dos and don’ts to unlock the secret to captivating and converting your readers. Let’s make your message stand out and shine!


Do know your audience

Understanding who you’re talking to is the cornerstone of compelling copy. Imagine having a conversation with your ideal customer. What are their pain points? Desires? How do they talk? Tailor your message to resonate with them, and you’re halfway to success.

Do focus on benefits, not features

People don’t buy products; they buy better versions of themselves. It’s not about the high-tech specs of a smartphone but how it makes someone’s life easier or more enjoyable. Highlight the benefits that speak directly to the reader’s needs and desires.

Do keep it simple and clear

Crafting promotional copy that sticks with your audience doesn’t require a thesaurus or a PhD in English. It’s all about keeping things simple and clear. Here’s how you can make your message heard without complicating things:

  • Get straight to the point: Your readers are busy. Deliver your message quickly, without beating around the bush.
  • Use everyday language: Write as if you’re having a chat with a friend. Avoid industry jargon that might confuse your readers.
  • Be specific: Vague statements don’t inspire action. Be clear about what you’re offering and why it matters.
  • Use active voice: Active voice makes your writing more direct and engaging. You can say “Buy your concert tickets on Skiddle.”
  • Break it down: Use bullet points or short paragraphs. This makes your copy easier to digest, especially for those skimming on mobile devices.

By applying these tips, your promotional copy will be easy to understand, ensuring your message isn’t just seen but grasped and remembered.

Do use a strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

What do you want your readers to do next? Whether it’s to “Buy Now,” “Sign Up Today,” or “Learn More,” your CTA should be clear, compelling, and easy to find. A good CTA can make the difference between a passive reader and an active participant in your sales funnel.

Do test and refine

The only way to know what truly resonates with your audience is through testing. Experiment with different headlines, CTAs, and messaging to see what performs best. Use this data to refine your approach continually.


Don’t overpromise

It’s tempting to make grandiose claims to capture attention, but if your product or service can’t deliver, you risk damaging your brand’s credibility. Be honest and realistic about what you’re offering.

Don’t neglect your brand’s voice

Consistency is key in building brand recognition and trust. Your promotional copy should reflect your brand’s personality, whether it’s professional, quirky, or anything in between. A mismatch between your message and your brand’s voice can confuse your audience.

Don’t forget about SEO

While your primary focus should be on writing for humans, don’t ignore the search engines. Include relevant keywords naturally in your copy to improve your content’s visibility online. However, never sacrifice readability for the sake of SEO.

Don’t use clichés and buzzwords

“We think outside the box to leverage synergies…” Sound familiar? Phrases like these are so overused they’ve lost all meaning. Be original and speak in a way that’s true to your brand and meaningful to your audience.

Don’t ignore the power of storytelling

Tapping into the power of storytelling can transform your promotional copy from mundane to memorable. Here’s why stories pack such a punch:

  • Emotional connection: Stories evoke emotions, making your message stick. When readers feel something, they’re more likely to remember and act on your message.
  • Relatability: A good story can make your brand relatable. When people see themselves in your story, they’re more engaged.
  • Simplicity: Complex ideas become easy to understand when wrapped in a story. It’s like turning a lesson into a fun adventure.
  • Memorability: We’re wired to remember stories. A well-told tale sticks with us far longer than facts and figures.
  • Inspiration: Stories can inspire action. Seeing how others overcome obstacles or benefit from a product motivates us to take the leap.

Incorporating storytelling into your promotional efforts isn’t just about selling; it’s about connecting and leaving a lasting impression.

Wrapping it up

Writing compelling promotional copy is an art form that balances creativity with strategy. By following these dos and don’ts, you’ll be well on your way to crafting messages that not only capture attention but also inspire action. Remember, at the heart of great promotional copy is a deep understanding of your audience and a commitment to communicating your value in a way that resonates with them. Happy writing!

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