Home Business Insights & Advice Taking advantage of personal training in the corporate setting

Taking advantage of personal training in the corporate setting

15th Jun 18 9:10 am

Do you exercise regularly?

Both medical and social studies show that a lack of time is the primary reason why people do not exercise regularly. Of course, some use this more as an excuse, but it can’t be denied that many people juggle several things in their hands that they barely have enough time to dedicate to their health and fitness. In many ways, time serves as the roadblock between the average individual and a daily exercise routine. But there’s a relatively new trend penetrating the corporate world—workplace wellness and personal training.

While the practice is new, an increasing number of companies has started to promote workplace wellness to boost the health and overall well-being of employees. What’s interesting is that the programs aren’t limited to teaching employees about workout routines. The trend involves medical and fitness screenings, health education, and weight management programs. The on-site fitness programs are also designed to fit the schedules of the employees, ensuring that they can allow enough time in their day to working out.

The health benefits of regular exercise are well-known, and these include increased focus, attention, and productivity—all three of which proves critical in performing optimally at work. In-house personal training enables employees to enjoy the many benefits of exercising without going through the trouble of setting aside time for it. According to Right path fitness, personal training in the corporate environment helps employees gain clarity with their fitness goals and stay motivated throughout the process.

Personal trainers can also offer expert advice to help employees stay on top of their health. Some trainers also specialize in injury protection and rehabilitation, reducing the risk of future injuries and costly treatments. Employees can also learn the proper exercise techniques and diet programs which they wouldn’t learn from training alone at home or a gym.

Of course, employers also benefit from this new trend. Those who participate in the in-house personal training sessions have shown improved performance at work. But the benefits go beyond higher productivity. Lack of exercise is linked to several chronic diseases. Corporate personal training proves to be an excellent investment for businesses that want to cut down on expensive healthcare expenses.

This trend has also given fitness instructors and personal trainers more opportunities to gain new clients. Since many people lack the time to go to the gym or health clubs, many personal trainers struggle to make ends meet. Thanks to corporate fitness programs, they have gained more exposure to prospective clients, effectively reaching out to them instead of waiting for them to arrive at the gym.

It’s often taken for granted, but exercise offers the kind of protection that saves both employees and employers from expensive healthcare. Healthy and active employees have reported higher satisfaction levels at work, which can have a direct impact on their level of productivity. Any business that wants to turn their workplace into a happier and healthier environment should consider on-site fitness programs to encourage their employees to get moving and gain control over their health.

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