Home Business Insights & Advice Four steps for starting a mattress business

Four steps for starting a mattress business

by Sarah Dunsby
2nd Aug 23 2:58 pm

Some people dream of setting up a bakery, others a newsagents, but if you’re dreaming of setting up your own mattress business, take a look at our top tips for success.

1. Market research

Understanding your target market is vital when putting together your mattress business as it can help you to pinpoint where the demand lies for your products.

To conduct market research, you can send out questionnaires to customers that will help you to determine what their intentions are for the products and services they need, as well as basic expectations for customer service and delivery.

This will help you to get ahead of your competitors to provide the service your customers need, and subsequently gain a larger market share. Online tools like SurveyMonkey are ideal for creating anonymous surveys to send out to existing and potential customers to find out their opinions and preferences.

2. Choose your product range carefully

Your product range is a perfect reflection of the success of your business, and should be inspired by your market research.

Everybody’s sleeping habits and needs are different, so having a large range of mattresses is essential for keeping business booming.

You will need a range of soft to firm mattresses, with various fillings including memory foam, springs, and latex.

You will also need to consider which sized mattresses you need to keep in stock. Some customers who live alone, or have children may decide to shop for a single bed, whereas others will fancy a king size bed.

If you want to find an example of a company with the perfect range of mattresses, on archerssleepcentre.co.uk you can choose the best king size mattress, and browse the rest of their full range.

3. Build a website

An online presence for your business is now more important than ever to keep the customers flowing through your door.

If you want to build a website for your company that will help to entice your customers to keep coming back, you can use platforms like Wordpress to help you. With ready made templates and easy to use software for blogging and page building, you can hit the ground running with a website that will provide the wow factor.

4. Ramp up your marketing efforts

Your marketing efforts will help you to bolster your customer reach, and attract new customers. You can achieve this with social media marketing, which costs very little but can generate a huge impact on your sales.

You can also partner with influencers with a large social media following, as this can further increase your brand exposure, and will inevitably gain you more followers and increased interactions with your posts. When creating marketing materials, it’s important to use reputable software, such as Canva or Adobe. You may also need software to do things such as pdf to office conversion – especially when you are sending things to customers.

Do you have any thoughts on how to set up a mattress business? Share your ideas in the comments section below!

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