Home Business Insights & Advice Six cool chrome extensions for increased productivity and focus

Six cool chrome extensions for increased productivity and focus

by Sponsored Content
22nd Sep 20 12:16 pm

Productivity levels are something that people can be very mindful of. Whether it is productivity levels at the office, at school, or even in your own home life, it’s good to know that you’re reaching your maximum level of output, or productivity, on a regular basis. If you’re the type that constantly has items left unchecked on your daily, weekly, or monthly ‘to do’ list, then there’s a good chance you’re having issues with your current level of productivity.

While there are a number of different ways you can go about increasing your productivity, one method that can prove to be simple yet effective is to look to technology. In fact, there are Chrome extensions you can download that are able to help increase your level of productivity and focus helping you to achieve all your goals and not fall behind.

With that said, here’s a look at six cool Google extensions well worth checking out.


Block Site is a Chrome extension that is completely free to download and has been created to help make productivity your number one goal. The way it works is that it gives you the control to block apps and websites that you find are distracting and that can take away focus. If you know that you easily fall off track or off-task when you browse a certain website, go ahead and block it using ‘Work Mode’. It even has a scheduling feature ideal for students so you can set up study time each day.

Once you remove those distractions, it is amazing how productive you can be, and results tend to be immediate. It even helps you to learn time management skills, something you can apply to many areas of your life.

Clockify Time Tracker for Chrome

Have you ever wondered how long specific tasks take you? Do you need a more detailed approach to scheduling your day? If so, the Clockify Time Tracker for Chrome extension could be ideal. You’ll be able to track how much time you spend on various activities and tasks. From there you can look at the results and really start to analyze them, looking for areas you could shave off some time or add time to.

This tool can be great for freelancers who are trying to understand how long projects and particular tasks take so they can bill clients accurately.

Google Keep

Maybe your big issue with productivity is your lack of organization. When you are disorganized it’s easy to miss deadlines, goals, assignments, and tasks simply because you overlooked them. Google Keep is another extension that can be worth looking into as it helps you to keep data organized in one central location. You can save pages, images, and notes. It even makes it possible for you to create location-based reminders.

It’s essentially like having your own assistant that remembers all the key details for you.

Save to Pocket

How many times have you been browsing online only to spot an article that you are interested in but don’t have the time to read right now? You don’t want to forget about it, but you just don’t have time in that moment. Save to Pocket makes it possible for you to save that article so you can read it later when you’ve got free time. Also, this extension can sync across all your devices, making it even more useful.


If you find yourself using brainstorming sessions at work, school, or home, then the Papier extension is a great tool. This one makes it possible to jot down all your random notes, ideas, and thoughts as they come to you and then organize in a way that makes sense.

Boomerang for Gmail

One particular task that can really eat away at your day is responding to emails. The fact is that when you have that free moment to draft your response, it may not be the ideal time to go ahead and send that email. Boomerang for Gmail is a cool extension that makes it possible for you to draft out a response to emails and then set a timer for when it will be sent.

Maybe you have free time early in the morning to respond to emails, but you don’t necessarily want to send the response at that time. Go ahead and set the timer and then you won’t have to worry about it later.

Enjoy much higher levels of productivity and focus

If you suffer from a lack of focus and just aren’t reaching your maximum productivity, the good news is that it doesn’t have to stay that way. With these cool Chrome extensions, you’ll be able to increase your output, feel more in control of your time, and go about your various tasks and activities in a more organized manner.

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