Home Business NewsPolitics News Sir Malcolm Rifkind: IPSA should be “more sensitive” and defer MP pay rise

Sir Malcolm Rifkind: IPSA should be “more sensitive” and defer MP pay rise

11th Jul 13 5:36 pm

Sir Malcolm Rifkind MP has said he believes the proposed increase to MPs’ salaries should be deferred “until there is similar relaxation for the rest of the public sector”.

The conservative MP for Kensington and former Secretary of State told LondonlovesBusiness.com that parliamentary expenses watchdog Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) should have been “more sensitive” when it proposed an 11% increase to MPs’ pay which would see the current salary of £66,396 rise to £74,000.

Sir Malcolm said: “I believe that IPSA, which has decided this increase, should have been more sensitive to the current limit on public sector pay.

“They should defer the implementation of their proposed pay increase until there is similar relaxation for the rest of the public sector.”

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