Home Business NewsBusiness Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe set to step down as Metropolitan Police Commissioner

Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe set to step down as Metropolitan Police Commissioner

29th Sep 16 10:08 am

Rumours are Hogan-Howe and London mayor Sadiq Khan didn’t get along

Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe is set to step down despite seven months left before his contract expires.

Rumours are that Hogan-Howe’s performance has been doubted by London mayor Sadiq Khan who wants to pick his own commissioner.

Announcing his retirement, Sir Bernard said: “I am so proud of the remarkable men and women who serve Londoners as police officers and staff and make this such a safe place for people to live, work or visit.

“I want to thank all of them for what they do, and the risks they take each day to protect the public.

“I want to thank all the partners we work with in government, in City Hall and across London. And I want to thank the public for the support they show the Met, and have shown me personally, as we do our difficult jobs.

“I came into this job determined to fight crime and make the MPS the best, most professional police service. I wish my successor well as they take on this amazing responsibility.

“It has been a great privilege to be the Met’s Commissioner. I have loved my time in the role and I have loved being a police officer.

“It’s the most rewarding of jobs to protect good people and lock up the bad guys.”

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