Home Breaking News Putin’s ‘cannon fodder’ are ‘officially told there would be no training’ prior to going to ‘the war zone’ to which ‘they will not survive’

Putin’s ‘cannon fodder’ are ‘officially told there would be no training’ prior to going to ‘the war zone’ to which ‘they will not survive’

28th Sep 22 1:42 pm

Mark Krutov, a correspondent for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s Russian Service who is described as “one of the leading investigative journalists in Russia” has made a shocking discovery of those Russian troops who are being sent straight to the frontline.

On Wednesday, 21 September Vladimir Putin ordered a “partial military mobilisation” of at least 300,000 civilian conscripts and reservists to fight on the frontline in Ukraine to help bolster his failing so called “special military operation.”

Since Putin ordered the first largest mobilisation since the World War Two hundreds of thousands of Russians have fled to neighbouring countries to avoid mandatory conscription.

Across 38 cities in Russia there has been daily rioting with the police and violent clashes as mothers are now angrily hitting back against the Kremlin’s regime which has seen thousands arrested.

The leading Russian investigative journalist Krutov shared online a video of a Russian soldier who said they have had “no theoretical training, nothing” he and his fellow comrades have not even fired a gun.

Read more on Russia-Ukraine war:

A ‘classified paragraph’ of the mobilisation decree exposes Putin is ordering 1 million soldiers to the killing fields of Ukraine

Russian ‘cannon fodder’ who have been mobilised will only receive ‘two weeks training’ and they ‘will not survive’

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The unnamed soldier who is now serving in the “1st tank regiment” said that they are being sent to Kherson in southern Ukraine which is seeing some of the fiercest fighting since the Second World War.

The soldier said, “Hi everyone, the first tank regiment is here. We were officially told that there would be no training before we will be sent to the war zone.

“The regiment’s commanders confirmed this. On September 29 we’ll will be sent to Kherson.

“Think for yourself, decide for yourself what to do with it in the future.

“There was no shooting training, no theoretical training, nothing.”

The investigative journalist added, “Answering a comment which said ‘how unexpectedly!,’ he describes how he ended up there:

“‘Yes, I didn’t expect it too.

“Was sleeping after the night shift. They woke me up and gave me a subpoena [to show up in the Military reg. office].”

Gennady Zyuganov, the General Secretary of the Communist has said the newly “mobilised youths” will only be given a “two week training course” and will then be thrown in to Ukraine and will be forced to fight against the highly trained and battle hardened Ukrainian armed forces.

To put this into perspective, a British Army recruit initial phase 1 training can take between 26 and 28 weeks.

Then after this the soldier will then move to phase 2 which involves specialist training which is designed to prepare the soldier for their first appointment, this can take up to 49 weeks depending on which trade he or she decides on.

The Russian MP has said that Russian businesses and citizens will now be forced to contribute to Putin’s war.

Zyuganov said in a speech that the newly “mobilised youths” who “will fight” in Ukraine will only receive “two weeks” training and added, “That should be enough.”

A retired senior British Army officer said that Putin’s partial mobilisation of reservists are simply “cannon fodder” for the war in Ukraine.

Speaking to Times Radio, Major General Jones said, “They are reservists, they have got some military training, but you cannot throw them into a fight like Ukraine and expect them to survive without some additional training.

“They [Russia] don’t have the wherewithal to train numbers at that scale.

“They don’t have the leaders, the officers, with the experience to come back out of the line to train them.”

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