Home Business News Putin could be ousted in a coup by military generals and officers from the former KGB over his ‘clear error of judgment’

Putin could be ousted in a coup by military generals and officers from the former KGB over his ‘clear error of judgment’

by LLB political Reporter
2nd May 22 2:11 pm

Vladimir Putin’s top generals and former KGB and Foreign Intelligence officers from the GRU could oust the Russian President over his “clear error of judgment” in the Ukraine war.

Putin’s top brass and Federal Security (FSB) intelligence officers are exceptionally frustrated with the Russian leader over the Ukraine war as the “blame game” continues to gather pace in the Kremlin.

Read more on Russia-Ukraine war:

Vladimir Putin is very ‘worried’ over a coup as the ‘FSB have assassinated’ five of his ‘inner circle’ ‘which is ‘a good sign’

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Russia’s powerful “siloviki” who are a group in the Russian political lexicon who came into politics from the security, military, or similar services, often the officers of the former KGB, GRU, FSB or the FSO.

Russian forces have been dealt a damning hammer blow by the Ukrainians who have killed thousands of troops over the past two months.

They all believed that the invasion would have been over within days or a week, but the fierce resistance has slowly chipped away at Putin’s inner circle which is crumbling all around him.

Putin is “worried” he is facing a coup and he should be as an uprising from within his inner circle is starting and the concerns over his health are making it easier for a coup to happen.

Russian security expert Andrei Soldatov told The Center for European Policy Analysis, “Does it matter? It matters a lot.

“This is the very first time the siloviki are putting distance between themselves and the President.

“Which opens up all sorts of possibilities.”

The Russian President has been bracing for a coup for some weeks as has faced fierce criticism over his “special operation” in Ukraine and he has purged around 150 of his spies over the constant failures.

Russian analyst Alexey Muraviev previously warned that the Russian President is facing a potential coup from his top brass and intelligence services.

Muraviev told Sky News Australia that the coup may come, he said, “I think that there have been tensions between Russia and the intelligence community and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.

“Because clearly, there’s been a clear error of judgment that was made and it was probably driven by Putin himself about the situation in Ukraine.

“About the initial planning and the initial phase of the invasion where the Russian military naturally assume that they’re going there as liberators rather than the invaders.

“I think that sort of false narrative was presented to them by the Supreme Commander in Chief, and when it fired back when the Russians began taking heavy casualties, Putin began quietly blaming the security services.

“Which I don’t think went really well also because he’s coming from within the security apparatus.”

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