Home Business News Prince Charles ends self-isolation

Prince Charles ends self-isolation

by LLB Reporter
30th Mar 20 1:14 pm

Prince Charles has now come out of self-isolation, but Camilla is to remain in self-isolation for seven more days, Clarence House spokesman said on Monday.

A spokesman for the Prince of Wales’ London office said, “Clarence House has confirmed today that, having consulted with his doctor, The Prince of Wales is now out of self-isolation.”

Adding that Prince Charles remains in good health.

The guidelines issued by the NHS says, “After 7 days, if you do not have a high temperature, you do not need to self-isolate.

“If you still have a high temperature, keep self-isolating until your temperature returns to normal.

“You do not need to self-isolate if you just have a cough after 7 days.

“A cough can last for several weeks after the infection has gone.”

Wednesday that Prince Charles, 71, has caught coronvirus and is in the highest category given his age.

He remains “in good health” and has been displaying “mild symptoms,” a spokesperson said.

The Duchess of Cornwall has also been tested and does not have the virus, it remains unclear as to who he caught it from given his high number of official engagements.

“He has been displaying mild symptoms but otherwise remains in good health and has been working from home throughout the last few days as usual.

“The Duchess of Cornwall has also been tested but does not have the virus. In accordance with government and medical advice, the Prince and the Duchess are now self-isolating at home in Scotland.

“The tests were carried out by the NHS in Aberdeenshire where they met the criteria required for testing.

“It is not possible to ascertain from whom the Prince caught the virus owing to the high number of engagements he carried out in his public role during recent weeks.”

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