Home Brexit PM vows to fight confidence vote ‘with everything I’ve got’

PM vows to fight confidence vote ‘with everything I’ve got’

by LLB Reporter
12th Dec 18 9:09 am

As Theresa May faces a no-confidence vote later today — May could be toppled if 158 of her 315 lawmakers vote against her– the prime minister has declared that she will contest the no-confidence vote ‘with everything I’ve got’.

Speaking outside the No 10 this morning, May added: “A leadership election would not change the fundamentals of the negotiation or the parliamentary arithmetic.

“Weeks spent tearing ourselves apart will only create more division just as we should be standing together to serve our country.”

Meanwhile, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has criticised the challenge as “the last thing the country needs.”

“Brexit was never going to be easy but she is the best person to make sure we actually leave the EU on March 29,” he added.

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