Home Lifestyle News Plan to give shoppers cashback for bottles and cans

Plan to give shoppers cashback for bottles and cans

5th Sep 17 1:07 pm

Says the Scottish government

The Scottish Government is planning to introduce a deposit return scheme for shoppers who would get cash back when they return bottles and cans.

The scheme, which aims to cut single-use plastic waste, would see customers pay a surcharge when purchasing plastic and glass bottles and aluminum cans which will then be refunded once returned to the shop.

The Scottish Government has already commissioned a study into a deposit return scheme (DRS) after ministers had been following Sky’s Ocean Rescue Campaign, as more that 100m marine animals are killed each year by plastic debris in the ocean.

A Scottish government spokesperson said: “We have already confirmed that we are looking at new ways to ensure we keep as many valuable materials in circulation for as long as possible and deposit return is one of those options. We have asked Zero Waste Scotland to model a deposit return system to help us assess impacts and benefits.”

Catherine Gemmell, of the Marine Conservation Society, described plans for a DRS as an “absolutely fantastic idea”.

She told Sky News: “Unfortunately, over the last few years, we have seen a big increase across our beaches on bottles, on cans and on glass as well.

“This is why we think a deposit return system will have a huge impact on decreasing the amount that we’re finding on our beaches.

“We had a huge success a couple of years ago with the 5p carrier bag charge – after that was put in place, we saw a 40 per cent decrease in bags on our beaches, so we think deposit return is definitely the next best thing.”

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