Home Business Insights & Advice Photography in Iceland

Photography in Iceland

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10th Jun 19 11:24 am

Every corner of the earth is special and when it comes to photography, there is hardly any other subject that can outshine nature. The landscapes, rough or placid, always provide for some of the best captures that any spectator can enjoy. So it is for the photographers as well. No matter what a photographer chooses to be his special trait in photography, landscapes are always a constant in the list. Of all the countries all around the world that are considered as photographer’s paradise, Iceland is surely one that belongs to the first few of the chart. No photographer has ever escaped the surreal charm of this ethereal land. One of the wisest things to do in Iceland would be to capture as many shots as you can through your camera lens. Following are some of the destination that will leave you awe struck with their majestic beauty.


Best known for its landscape beauty with mountains and waterfalls, this place is perched at an elevation rested on the Snæfellsnes peninsula. An easy drive from Reykjavik will lead you to this wonderful destination that would lend you opportunities to capture photography essential like lofty snowcapped mountains with rumbling fountains. Apart from the basics, this region can also give you exceptional captures of reflections of mountains on the surrounding water, scarlet sunrises and fading sunsets.


Hraunfossar is another destination that cannot be missed when you are all set to get the magic of Iceland captured through your lens. This location can be defines as a waterfall in laymen’s vision. But with a photographer’s eyes you would explore a lot more than just a fountain. The extensive rift, the flowing turquoise water, the vast lands lying idle in the background and the milky while streams that rumble down the rugged surface of the riffs would give you countless reasons to ponder upon this place.

Glymur Waterfall

If you are ready to shed a few drop of sweat for your photography, a tedious three hours hike along the steep ascends will get you to the top of this waterfall. The deep lying gorges on the other side of yours can be a great subject for photography to play around a little with the lighting conditions. The view overlooking the sea and the frozen streams can be captures to satisfy your craving for nature.

Inside a glacier

To a photographer, glaciers are more than large mass of ice. They instead appear to be never ending stretches of white carpet with blue sky above through a lens. How you manage to add dimension to a landscape as flat as this is your expertise. Consider some instances of Chris Burkard photography and you will get an idea of how to tame the interiors of the ice walls of this glacier that allows you to take stroll through it.

Sun Voyager statue at Reykjavik

Considered to be one of the best artistic depictions of the modern day artistry, this statue was made by a local using stainless steel. It represents the perpetual journey of the sun and capturing a few shots of sunrise and sunset using different angles would be an idea worth considering.

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