Home Business NewsBusinessAutomotive News Parking cowboys are out of business due to new legislation

Parking cowboys are out of business due to new legislation

by LLB Reporter
15th Mar 19 11:59 am

Rogue car park operators beware, as legislation aimed at putting car park cowboys out of business has now, officially become law on Friday.

The speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow MP, told MPs that Sir Greg Knight the former Conservative minister parking Bill, has now received Royal assent. This means this is now an Act of Parliament.

Sir Greg said the new legislation will “bring fairness to motorists around the country.”

Cowboy parking operators will no longer be able to access the Driving and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), this will limit them the ability to issues parking tickets, unless these companies comply with the new code of conduct.

RAC Foundation director Steve Gooding said, “Sir Greg is to be congratulated for his success in uniting MPs and peers alike to deliver the Parking (Code of Practice) Act the private parking industry so clearly needs.

“The Act will tackle an issue which our figures show affects millions of motorists each year.

“We look forward to supporting the Local Government Minister Rishi Sunak as he now moves to put in place the code of practice, appeals and scrutiny mechanisms that the Act provides.”

Local Government Minister Rishi Sunak said, “Millions of us use private car parks every day, but for far too many drivers slapped with unjust fines this largely unregulated industry feels like the Wild West.

“Too often, I hear of awful treatment at the hands of dodgy parking firms, from problems paying for parking to intimidating demands for payment and baffling appeals processes.

“From today, we’re able to cut out the rogue operators by creating a single Code of Practice and giving drivers greater protection through a new appeals service.”

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