Home Business NewsBusiness Paris gunman shouted “I am here to die for Allah”

Paris gunman shouted “I am here to die for Allah”

18th Mar 17 7:49 pm

Police operation at Orly airport

The radicalised gunman that was shot dead in Paris today was originally stopped for speeding it has been revealed.  The gunman then shot a policewoman in the head and hijacked a woman in a car at gun point.

A Paris prosecutor said that the gunman now known to be Ziyed B had shouted “I am here to die for Allah, there will be deaths”, before attempting to gun people down at Orly airport.

He had also at one point threw down a bag containing a can of petrol.

Whilst in Orly airport terminal the gunman attacked three counter-terrorism soldiers who are part of Operation Sentinelle, he had made a statement about Allah it has been reported.

A witness known only as Dominique said earlier: “I heard shouting and I saw the soldiers who were holding a person.

“It was a man who was holding a soldier hostage, he had them by the neck and he threatened the two other soldiers with the woman’s rifle.”

French police have said today that Ziyed B was known to them and was a “radicalised muslim.”


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