Home London News One of London's most popular nightclubs shut after teenagers die in drug-related tragedies

One of London's most popular nightclubs shut after teenagers die in drug-related tragedies

12th Aug 16 7:50 am

Club closed this weekend

One of London’s most popular nightclubs, Fabric, is set to shut its doors after two teenagers died in drug-related incidents.

Scotland Yard has suspended the licence of the club in Farringdon temporarily as it investigates the deaths that happened in the span of six weeks.

According to the Standard, an 18-year-old collapsed outside the club on Saturday at 8.20am while another died at 2am on 25 June.

Neither death is being treated as suspicious.

A statement posted on the club’s website last night said: “For the past two years Fabric has operated without incident but tragically in the past nine [sic] weeks two 18-year-old boys have died as a consequence of drug overdoses.

“In order to understand how this has happened we have agreed with the police and other agencies to suspend our operation whilst we investigate. The club will therefore be closed this weekend.”

Steve Rolles, a policy analyst for Transform Drug Policy Foundation, said: “Any drug-related death is a tragedy, and they are thankfully rare, but our current drug policy needs to make young people safe.

“This has to be wake-up call because every fatality leaves the future of this club, which is a cultural instition and brings in millions of pounds to the economy, balancing on a knife edge.”

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