Home Business Insights & Advice Nine ways to make your London property attractive to buyers

Nine ways to make your London property attractive to buyers

by Sarah Dunsby
11th Oct 23 10:51 am

Every homeowner knows that it’s a seller’s market right now, especially in the city of London, where house prices are at an all time high.This means it can be very tricky to get the attention you’re looking for when you put your house on the market. Of course, there are a number of things you can do to make your London property much more attractive to buyers in the local area. Whether you’re hoping to increase the value of your property by carrying out some renovations or you’re carefully considering your pricing strategies so that your home is somewhat affordable, there are so many different considerations to make. Some of the ideas below may be more time consuming and expensive to facilitate, so you can make a judgment call on the best possible route for your property. Hopefully, the ideas below will provide you with some inspiration when it comes to creating the most attractive property possible for London buyers.

Neutral decor

When it comes to creating a super attractive property in an expensive area, you need to do everything you can do to make it feel welcoming, inviting and as neutral as possible. In many cases, buyers won’t like to see bright and garish wallpaper on the walls as they will have to take it down if they choose to go ahead with the purchase. Tone down any styling or decor that is very specific in taste, and you will stand a much better chance of selling your home.

A modern bathroom

A modern bathroom is something that every prospective home buyer is hoping to find when they go and look round a property, so this is certainly something to keep in mind when you’re making adjustments to your home. Whether you’re adding some useful handrailing with a Key Clamp, or doing a touch of DIY in your bathroom with some fresh tiles, there will always be advantages to having a freshly decorated bathroom with modern styling elements.

New kitchen fittings and fixtures

Much like the bathroom, prospective buyers will also be highly interested in new and modern kitchen fittings. If there is anything you can do to make your kitchen look newly renovated and fresh, now is the right time to try it. From replacing kitchen cupboards to adding a lick of paint where needed, your kitchen needs to look ready to go in order to appeal to a London buyer.

Competitive pricing

It goes without saying, but the housing market at the moment is extremely tough. Prices are at an all time high especially in the most expensive cities such as London. If you can price your home at a fair but competitive price, it is much more likely to catch the eye of a potential buyer.

Storage and space

It is a well-known fact that central London homes are known for being small and cozy, so if you can incorporate some smart storage solutions in your home, they will be much-appreciated by potential buyers. Built in storage or loft space is always a much-sought after feature in areas such as London, so this will definitely play to your advantage when it comes to selling your home.

Home office space

More and more people are continuing to work from home rather than commute into an office every day. Having a dedicated home office space in a property is quickly becoming a non-negotiable feature in a house. Even if you can set up a spare bedroom in a way that makes it look versatile enough to be a home office, this is enough to pique the interest of any professional home buyer in the London area.

Safety and security features

Having extra safety and security features in a property, especially in London will always be a bonus. Buyers want to know that they’re moving into a home that feels safe and secure from the moment they get there. From alarms to video doorbells, there are so many different inexpensive, yet effective ways to make your home more secure.

Off street parking

It’s no secret that parking in London is a rarity especially in certain boroughs, so if your property has the potential to offer private parking, this is your chance to make it happen. If your home has space at the front to convert into a parking space, this might be the ideal time to make it happen. The value of your property will certainly increase and your home will instantly become more attractive to prospective buyers. Although this might be a fairly expensive renovation project, there will be so many benefits to doing this.

Low maintenance garden

London residents are known for being busy, professional people, so having low maintenance features in your garden or outdoor space will always be a positive thing. Artificial grass might be a good option to look into if your lawn is currently looking a little sad and uncared for. These small, but important features can instantly help someone to make a decision on whether a property is going to be right for them or not.

Hopefully, these ideas will give you a few ideas when it comes to making your property appear as attractive as possible so that you get the best price for your house. Putting your house on the market is often an overwhelming prospect, so these enhancements may help you to put your mind at ease during the process. Whether you’re doing some simple DIY tasks to make your home look more polished, or you’re opting for neutral decor so that prospective buyers can imagine themselves living there, there are so many possibilities for you to explore. It may be a good idea to get some advice from a local estate agent who knows the local area very well. They will be able to point you in the right direction when it comes to making tweaks and changes to your home. As soon as your projects are complete, you will have an appealing and valuable property that looks extremely attractive to buyers in London.

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