Home Business News NHS Dr fears staff could be the ‘silent killer’ in passing on coronavirus to patients

NHS Dr fears staff could be the ‘silent killer’ in passing on coronavirus to patients

by LLB Reporter
22nd Mar 20 5:11 pm

A senior NHS doctor has expressed his fears that staff could be passing on the coronavirus to patients as they are not being provided with tests.

The doctor wrote about his experiences and said there is “little we can do” and victims are dying in front of his eyes.

It has been revealed that there is a huge shortage of protective equipment for medical staff and they are not tested unless they show symptoms.

He warned that not everyone shows symptoms immediately but can still be carriers and fears “as a doctor could be a silent killer” passing on coronavirus to patients.

Writing for the Mail on Sunday the doctor said, “Despite restructuring the wards to ensure there was room for the coronavirus sufferers and that they would be totally isolated, it soon became apparent that the virus was already rampaging throughout the hospital.

“I lost count of the number of times I have found sufferers in different wards.

“Any hope we’d had of keeping Covid-19 sufferers separate from the rest of our patients became almost totally blurred as the influx just became greater, and greater, and greater.”

The senior doctor added, “Absurdly, I have not been afforded a test – and the NHS’s approach for staff is that until you have symptoms you don’t self-isolate.

“Why? Because we simply do not have enough staff for them to be disappearing before symptoms appear, regardless of whether they are likely carrying it or not.

“As a doctor you should be saving lives. But for the first time in my career I have to face the fear that as a doctor I could be a silent killer.”

He further said that it is impossible to treat some patients who have the deadly virus.

He said, “Towards the end of last week, it became apparent that there is very little we can do to halt the spread of this aggressive and unrelenting virus.

“Many patients simply do not respond to treatment and oxygen masks and we are left with no choice but to make them ‘comfortable’.

“Even with morphine and the sedative midazolam to help numb pain and ease breathing, the deaths have been excruciating.

“That is why I wish that I could forget last week, pretend it is some nightmare.

“But it isn’t. It is now our new reality.”

He added, “We must now make ethical decisions on who to save and who to let die on a scale that no doctor alive today has ever faced.

“I would love to say that those ethical decisions are made with time, patience, and care. But last week? It was as quick as can be.

“No doctor should be forced to choose between patients. But we now have no other choice.

“It is never an easy task to tell someone’s loved one their mother, father, wife or husband is not a candidate to go to intensive care because they have serious underlying health issues and, because of their old age, there is nothing we can do.”

The UK now has a death toll of 281 on Sunday, the number rose by 48 after testing positive for coronavirus.

The British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has ordered all Britons to immediately “Stay at home” over the “war” of the coronavirus pandemic.

Johnson issued the statement on Sunday afternoon, “We will get through this together, and we will beat the virus.

“To win this fight, we need everyone to follow our advice: as far as possible, we want you to stay at home.

“The more effectively everyone does this, the faster this country will recover.”

LondonLovesBusiness understand that Whitehall sources are suggesting to impose a total lockdown across the capital as people are still gathering in crowds which will result in people dying as a direct result.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan gave a grave warning to Londoners, to anyone that leaves their home during the coronavirus outbreak to “stop social mixing or many more people will die.”

Khan said, “We need to make sure there is no mixed messages here. People should not be leaving their homes unless they really have to.

“We should not be having social interaction. By mixing that leads to more people dying.

“Social interaction leads to the disease spreading, which leads to people dying.

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