Home Brexit New law to be sought to stop no-deal Brexit

New law to be sought to stop no-deal Brexit

by LLB Politics Reporter
27th Aug 19 4:16 pm

Opposition leaders are seeking a legislative approach to prevent Boris Johnson’s “do or die” approach to a no-deal Brexit.

However, in a joint statement the opposition party said they will also consider a confidence of no motion, this also suggest that Jeremy Corbyn may not immediately push ahead with a no confidence vote against Johnson next week.

Ian Blackford Scottish SNP Westminster leader said all at the meeting have committed to “work together effectively to prevent a catastrophic no-deal,” adding that Johnson has “no mandate or majority.”

He said, “Parliament must grasp this opportunity, unite to stop Boris Johnson shutting down democracy, and be ready to use all mechanisms to block a no-deal disaster, including deploying legislation as a priority.”

Independent Group for Change leader Anna Soubry MP and barrister said, “We agree we will work together to stop a no-deal Brexit by legislation.”

Soubry added, “All credit to Jeremy Corbyn for calling us in today.

“He called us in, we had that meeting, we put aside our differences to stop this country from crashing out without a deal.

“As Ken Clarke called it, it would be a disaster for our country.”

She continued, “It is something that Leave voters never voted for.

“Boris Johnson and his unelected ideologically driven advisors will stop at nothing.

“We all know the consequences of a no deal exit – at least an eight percent drop in growth and prosperity of our country

“When the history books are written, it will record our determination for our sovereign parliament to meet and debate our country’s biggest crisis since the Second World War.

“It will also record this, there were those that acted with courage and there were those that acted and did absolutely nothing.”

Labour, the SNP, Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru, the Green Party and the Independent Group for Change gave a joint statement.

They said, “The attendees agreed that Boris Johnson has shown himself open to using anti-democratic means to force through no deal.

“The attendees agreed on the urgency to act together to find practical ways to prevent no-deal, including the possibility of passing legislation and a vote of no confidence.”

In response to the meeting, the Johnson said on Twitter, “The referendum result must be respected. We will leave the EU on 31st October.”

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