Home Business News MPs are ‘ashamed’ and ‘outraged’ over BBC decision on TV licence fees

MPs are ‘ashamed’ and ‘outraged’ over BBC decision on TV licence fees

by LLB Politics Reporter
11th Jun 19 3:02 pm

Senior MPs from both the Conservative Party and Labour have voiced their opinions over the BBC’s despicable act in not allowing the over 75s free TV licence’s.

Conservative MP and leadership hopeful Andrea Leadsom is calling for a reversal over their decision as it is “unacceptable” and leadership rival, Esther McVey said she is “ashamed” of the BBC.

Leadsom told the Press Association, “I think that’s unacceptable.

“It’s a commitment in the Conservatives’ manifesto and we need to find a way to reverse that.”

McVey wrote on Twitter, “As someone who used to work for the BBC I am ashamed of them for this decision.

“Our ‘public service broadcaster’ who has forgotten the public they are supposed to serve. Agree with @RuthDavidsonMSP & @GMB campaign.”

Ruth Davidson senior Scottish Conservative leader has also voiced her criticism over the BBC and is backing a campaign to force the broadcaster to “U-turn on licence fee.”

Davidson said, “If GMB are going to mount a campaign on this, then sign me up as the first person to back it, because television is the window to the world for people that can’t go there themselves, including people who are elderly.

“It’s not just a friend when you’re lonely, it’s not just intellectual stimulation, it’s also a way to reach out and see things and, like Susanna [Reid], if I was asked to pay a few pounds more to help make sure that free TV licences are maintained for people over the age of 75, I would willingly pay it.”

Piers Morgan, Good Morning Britain (GMB) host has shamed the BBC both on air and on Twitter, saying, “Shame on the BBC for doing this, they should be forced to do a U-turn and cave on this.”

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said on Twitter, Pensioners have spent their lives contributing to our society.

“Providing over-75s with free TV licences is not too much to ask. Sign the petition if you agree.”

Tom Watson Labour’s deputy leader branded the BBC’s decision an “outrage” and also wrote to the Conservative leadership contenders asking them to “honour their 2017 manifesto promise.”

Watson said in the letter, posted on Twitter it was “a matter of honour.”

He added, “Means testing the TV licence concession leaves your manifesto commitment in tatters.”

Watson’s letter ended by saying, “If you are victorious in becoming prime minister I know you will not want your first act to be a betrayal of three million pensioners.”

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