Home Business Insights & Advice Maximise your space and style with these six home office ideas

Maximise your space and style with these six home office ideas

by Sponsored Content
1st Mar 22 4:01 pm

Those working from home reached an average of 37% in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, with many having to adjust to this setup permanently. If you are one of the people who no longer have an office to return to, it’s fundamental you create a space within your home that’s motivating, inspiring, and peaceful.

This doesn’t come without work, however. There are things you could and should do to create the appropriate home office, some of which we’ve put together in this handy guide. Here’s how you can maximise your space and style.

1, Keep it clean and bright

The best place to think and create comes from a bright, light home office. Add more mirrors and shiny objects to maximise the natural light as much as possible, and paint the walls in colours like white, off-grey, or a neutral beige. These components – paired with regular cleaning of the space – will create a clean and bright office to inspire productivity.

2. Utilise hidden storage units

If your job requires lots of equipment and paperwork, leaving them out in the open can make the room feel cramped and suffocating which can be determinantal to your work rate. So, to maximise the space in your office, we strongly recommend taking advantage of hidden storage units to keep clutter and mess at bay.

3. Don’t underestimate the power of plants

Plants are a simple yet powerful way to create a thriving home office and it won’t cost too much to implement this suggestion! With so many options to choose from, you’ll be spoilt for choice and will have no problem choosing the best indoor plants for your individual taste and requirements. Researchers concluded that working with plants could reduce both physiological and psychological stress, making them a fundamental feature in your office.

4. Choose a sturdy yet stylish desk

The desk is arguably the most important part of your home office, so don’t scrimp on the price or rush the decision on design. The average person in the UK works 36.2 hours per week with many of those spent at the desk, which is a good indication of why it’s so important you choose wisely. We recommend a table frame desk as they’re ideal for heavy-weight projects and for those looking for a more industrial feel.

5. Explore your artistic side

Art is powerful and can do so much for productivity and inspiration. Fill your office with vibrant art to energise the space, and dot it around on the walls, desk, and cabinets. Decorate the room with art that speaks to you and your interests, no matter what they may be. This is your office and therefore whatever you say, goes!

6. Add a pop of colour

If your walls are painted neutral, don’t forget to add a pop of colour through the accessories! Introducing bold colours in additions such as your lamp, artwork, and desk chair can brighten the room and also inject some well-needed energy for those long working days. Feel inspired from the moment you step into the room.

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