Home Business Insights & Advice Marketing a successful personal training business online

Marketing a successful personal training business online

by Sponsored Content
10th Apr 21 5:18 pm

Establishing a business as a fitness professional is a common path that many choose to endeavour once they’ve achieved the relevant qualifications. After completing a personal trainer course, it becomes the next logical step in their journey through the health and fitness world.

The goal of owning a personal training company is why many people choose to become a personal trainer in the first place. And though it may look a tough enterprise, it has the potential to be a rewarding venture, and many have seen great success after progressing into the fitness-business world.

As with any business there are certain elements that need to be considered if it is to be successful, especially the way in which new clients are sourced and the brand image that is conveyed to its wider audience.

Here’s two vital elements to consider to successfully market a personal training business online:

Social media

Individuals and businesses must stand out on social media if they are to be as effective as possible. The content published must be eye-catching and strike an emotional chord with their followers that entices them to engage with the posts, whether that be liking, commenting, or sharing it to their own friends and followers.

It’s important to be active on a number of social media channels in order to be as effective as possible. This is called a multi-channel approach and involves sharing content not just to Facebook, but to LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and any other channels in which a relevant audience might lie.

Tip: Be mindful that the content may need to alter slightly in order to suit the platform; for example, certain Facebook-friendly content is often thought to be inappropriate for LinkedIn, however each platform has the potential to yield a return on the time invested so it’s worth producing the extra content to accommodate both.


A website is a personal trainer’s best friend. This is where clients and prospects will flock for information about prices and the services offered. One of the best ways to grow a website’s audience is to consistently produce high-quality content that is of value to the audience. Producing blog articles about health and fitness that will draw attention to the website is vital, as well as being important for increasing the chances of being found through the search engines.

This is similar to social media in that the content needs to be engaging and worthy of being clicked on by the user. Producing on-the-pulse content that evidences a PT’s knowledge and expertise is a necessity so that it leaves no question in the prospect’s mind of who they will choose should they require a personal trainer in the future.

The website needs to be well designed and easy to navigate through for the user. A website is a reflection of the business and if the website is too difficult to use then it subconsciously translates to a poor perception of the business in a user’s mind. Time should be spent considering whether it is simple enough to use and if it looks neat and appropriate, ensuring that there is consistency throughout the design, imagery, and colour scheme, and also throughout the message that is being conveyed to user via the copy.

Tip: Content produced that centres on clients’ successes is often popular, especially if the goal achieved was remarkably tough. A client losing 100lbs in six months would be a noteworthy story to share and would likely motivate other people whose goal is also to lose weight to get up and get moving themselves.


Marketing is an essential part of almost every business, if the owner wishes it to grow and reach its full potential. A personal training business is no different. To begin training for a career in fitness, whether that be personal training, teaching yoga or Pilates, sports massage therapy, and more, visit HFE and enquire today

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