Home Brexit Liz Truss says PM’s deal is the best option for the UK

Liz Truss says PM’s deal is the best option for the UK

by LLB Reporter
1st Apr 19 2:23 pm

Liz Truss, the Treasury minister said on Monday that Theresa May’s deal remains the best option for the UK leaving the EU.

However, many disagree as the PMs Brexit deal has been voted down three times.

Truss told BBC Radio that Friday’s defeat “was less than we lost by last time and we are seeing people coming on board with that.

“I think we need to carry on looking at how we get the support for that deal.

“The answer lies in modifications to the prime minister’s deal to be able to get that to have support.”

Although what is not clear is the alternative Brexit plans, like the customs union will get the support from the majority.

Here’s what is next for the Brexit calendar:

Monday 1 April: MPs are to hold another set of votes over Brexit options and try to agree on a way forward.

Wednesday 3 April: Potentially another round of indicative votes.

Wednesday 10 April: Emergency summit of EU leaders, this is to request a further extension

Friday 12 April: The day the UK is due to leave the EU, if the UK does not seek any further delays.

23 to 26 May: European Parliamentary elections start.

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