Home Business News Latest in Interpol chief disappearance

Latest in Interpol chief disappearance

by Purvai Dua
8th Oct 18 12:21 pm

The missing Interpol chief, Meng Hongwei, has now resigned and is being investigated for bribe-taking and other crimes, Chinese authorities have now announced.

Meng had gone missing under mysterious circumstances last week as he travelling from France, where Interpol is based, to China. Meng’s wife, who was with him during the trip, was reportedly sent a text message with a knife emoji on the day he went missing. 

“Public Security Ministry Vice Minister Meng Hongwei is currently under investigation by the National Supervisory Commission for suspected violations of law,” the Chinese anti-corruption body has stated on its website.

Interpol has also said that Meng had resigned as president of the organisation, and that South Korean national Kim Jong Yang would become its acting president, while it would appoint a new president at a Nov 18-21 meeting of the organisation in Dubai.

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