Home London News Is this Transport for London video racist?

Is this Transport for London video racist?

by LLB Editor
29th Jan 15 10:45 am

Transport for London (TfL) has come under fire for uploading a “racially offensive” video.

The video, which displays 16,000 responses to a staff survey, shows three cartoons (pictured above) depicting a white man for “the good” responses, a white woman for “the bad” ones and a black man for “the mixed ones”.

A TfL member of staff told Metro.co.uk: “I was utterly shocked when I was sent this by our employee survey team to ​watch.”

A spokesperson for TfL told the news website: “This is a film about the results of our annual staff survey.

“The word “mixed” is clearly used as part of describing the good, bad and mixed views of our staff to the questions asked and nothing more.”

The video is still available to view on YouTube. However, embedding has been disabled.

To view the video, go to this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-cl=84924572&v=pXW2OsqfU0I&x-yt-ts=1422411861#t=22

Are the cartoons in this video racist? Leave your comments below…

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