Home Business Insights & Advice Invest in building a stronger team, not a bigger team

Invest in building a stronger team, not a bigger team

by Sponsored Content
7th Feb 19 1:46 pm

If you are a small business owner, you are probably thinking of ways to grow and expand your business in the coming months and years. Naturally, you’ll consider taking on some more staff along the way. Before you do that though, invest your money in nurturing and building on the strengths of the team that you already have.

Bigger doesn’t always mean better

A common misconception is that you need to have a big team to succeed, when a small staff who work well together can achieve as much as a team twice their size. The truth of the matter is that size isn’t what counts, relationships are. The best way to build a strong company is to improve what you have before you get carried away with expanding and hiring more people. Establishing a strong foundation with the team that you already have is the key to future success – and we’re going to show you how to achieve it.

Team building events

Team building events are one of the easiest and most effective ways to bring your employees together. Gone are the days of a boring conference or cringe-worthy activities with limited resources – the team building event is now all about having fun and developing skills. You’ll be able to choose from some of the quirkiest and innovative corporate team building event ideas in London at Zing Events. You can take your pick from outdoor obstacle courses, cooking classes and even murder mystery evenings.

Invest in the workplace

It’s so important to create a pleasant workplace environment where your team feel comfortable. Just because you don’t have a large team doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t invest in a space that your staff feel happy working in. Make sure that you have the best possible equipment, and be sure that each employee’s work area is suited to their needs. It’s not just about work though, as the key to getting the most out of your small team is making them feel at home too. So be sure to focus on cleanliness and creating spaces that are all about enjoying downtime as well.

Keep up the good work

Last but not least, make a concerted effort to build on the success of your team building event with regular outings and events. Scheduling in a monthly staff meal or trip to a local bar or cinema will help your employees to bond outside of the workplace – and excursions like this are much more doable with a smaller team. Socialising in a relaxed setting is really beneficial, as it will allow workers from different departments to gel and start to learn more about each other. Team outings will allow you to all do something that’s totally separate from the office, free of any pressure.

It’s time to get started

Having a strong team in place will lead to greater productivity and pride in the company – something that can only benefit a small business as it grows. Yes, your team may become larger in the future – and everything that you learned while it was still small will allow you to maintain a strong rapport between all of your employees. So it’s vital to get started sooner rather than later!

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