Home Breaking Huawei finance chief arrested in Canada on US request

Huawei finance chief arrested in Canada on US request

by Purvai Dua
6th Dec 18 10:55 am

Following the shock arrest of Meng Wanzhou, who is Huawei Technologies Co Ltd’s chief financial officer, fresh doubts have been raised over a 90-day truce on trade struck between Sino-US Presidents on Saturday – the day she was detained.

The arrest is related to violations of US sanctions, a person familiar with the matter told media.

The arrest and any potential sanctions on the world’s second biggest smartphone have pushed global stocks in the red. Shares in Asian suppliers to Huawei, which also counts Qualcomm Inc and Intel among its major suppliers, tumbled on Thursday.

Huawei confirmed the arrest in a statement and said that it has been provided little information of the charges, adding that it was “not aware of any wrongdoing by Ms. Meng”.

She was detained when she was transferring flights in Canada, it added.

China’s embassy in Canada said it resolutely opposed the arrest and called for Meng’s immediate release.

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