Home Business Insights & Advice How to improve morale and efficiency in your team

How to improve morale and efficiency in your team

by Sponsored Content
13th Dec 18 2:45 pm

A happy workforce is a productive workforce. Sometimes it’s easy to forget this, but remember the morale of your employees is crucial when it comes to getting the most from them and their talents.

Morale isn’t just something you can turn on and off, but you can do your bit to control the workplace environment in which your employees carry out their tasks and create the foundations for a happier and productive business.

Here are a few ways to do that…

Play to the strengths of your team

For people to be engaged and interested in their work, they need to do what they do best. Try, where possible, to distribute tasks in a way that plays to the strengths of the individual members of your team and allows them to showcase their skills. If people are confident about they are doing, they’re more likely to be happier too.

Allow room for professional development and growth

To help employees grow you need to provide opportunities for professional development. Offer a clear career path within the business and invest in training and resources. If people can see where they are heading, it’ll give them the clear motivation they need to move forward.

Book in some motivation

Setting up motivational and inspirational talks with top business entrepreneurs or celebrities from speakers bureaus such as NMP Live can help your employees to find inspiration for their role. The right talk from the right person can boost the mood and set the tone for the days and weeks to come.

Recognise achievements

Employee recognition is important too and, when you create an environment where good work is appreciated, people will feel empowered to push on and do their best. Build in time on a regular basis to celebrate those who have done a good job, maybe even with some form of award for their efforts, to set the tone.

Promote atmosphere and celebration

Work can to be fun too, so it’s good to find a cause for celebration within your office, such as birthdays and work anniversaries. This will show that you care as an employer and make people feel like valued members of the team.

Feedback and listening

Your employees need their voice to be heard. Embrace an open door policy where people can speak openly and honestly about whatever is troubling them. By listening – and acting where you can – you’ll show your employees that you care. The ability to share a problem – and the knowledge that your views matter – can certainly lift your mood about work.

As well as setting up team meetings, make time to speak to each member one to one to ensure everyone has the chance to have their say.

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