Home Business Insights & Advice How to handle disputes with your rental property neighbours

How to handle disputes with your rental property neighbours

by Sarah Dunsby
27th Jul 23 10:51 am

It is not rare for tenants and neighbours to not get along. Despite everyone having the same rights, it is still hard for some owners to accept that and treat everyone on equal terms.

There have been fewer such cases recently, and it looks like tenants and neighbouring homeowners can finally co-exist together.

Of course, this depends on numerous things, and it is not uncommon for the atmosphere to quickly change if there is a dispute or disagreement regarding any part of living.

Being able to avoid conflicts is undoubtedly the best way to ensure you lead an everyday stress-free life. Still, in situations where that is unavoidable, it is better for you to know how to handle disputes with your rental property neighbours.

How to prevent conflicts with your rental property neighbours

Going into arguments with your neighbours, whether they are tenants or homeowners, is never a pleasant experience. Having to look away or get into fights every time you meet each other would certainly affect your quality of life.

It’s best if you can avoid conflict, after all, and try your best to resolve any potential disputes the best way you can.

Get to know them

Probably the most important advice you can get. This is not only limited to people in your close circle of family and friends but everyone you have any sort of contact with. Remember that everyone has their own story and difficulties that they go through.

Getting to know your neighbours and their personalities will make it much easier to understand why they do certain things or behave in specific manners. After all, knowing a person reveals what is the best way to approach them.

Making small talk is another aspect that is often underestimated. It may not always be the best time, but based on the situation, if time permits, show interest in others, ask them how their day has been and just be nice. A good word may go a long way regarding human relationships.

You often must repair and maintain the property, whether a homeowner or a tenant. If you are handy with tools, you may offer to help in such situations, as that will create a good bond with others.

Understand the laws

Every neighbourhood has its specific laws and regulations. Get to know them before you move so you avoid unintentionally violating the rules and give you more leverage in discussions.

It is not uncommon for neighbours to try to take advantage of tenants by demanding certain things from them, stating internal rules or laws. Being familiar will allow you to call them out early and save yourself trouble going forward.

What to do if a conflict with your rental property neighbours happens

Doing your best to avoid disputes and managing them are very different things.

After all, there are people out there who are simply looking for a confrontation and, despite your best efforts, will always push until you have to address the situation and confront them.

Even when it comes to that, there is a proper approach that you need to take to ensure that no negative consequences befall you.

Track the problem

Whether your neighbours are too noisy, wake you up at night, or prevent you from doing property maintenance, keeping a log of the issue is always a great idea.

You may overlook it once or twice, but if it happens regularly, you can approach the person causing you trouble and have a polite conversation. Show them what you’ve written down and communicate with them why this is causing problems for you.

Keeping an audio or video recording in case they try to deny the accusations is a good idea.

Look for mediation

If communication gets you nowhere and the issue persists, you may look for a mediator to assist you with resolving the problem. A local lawyer will be impartial and trained in dealing with disputes, acting as a referee.

You may also want to get in touch with your landlord, preferably in writing. Depending on the situation, they may have your back, especially if they are aware of the neighbours’ shenanigans.

Be ready to compromise

You will often find that an issue can not be resolved in your favour. At least not entirely. It is always best to have a contingency plan prepared and consider how much you are willing to compromise with your demands.

Finding common ground with others will significantly help you reduce the issue to a point where it rarely happens.

Take legal actions

The above steps may help you resolve issues with reasonable neighbours, but in some situations, you may want to look into taking legal action against them.

As this may lead to conflict between the parties involved and between the landlord and the property manager, you should carefully discuss it with them before taking this step.

Once your landlord has your back, reach out to an advisor, and present them with the problem, any proof you may have, and the expected outcome. They will be able to advise you whether or not you have a case and what can be achieved.

Remember that going to court is often expensive and may take a lot of time to settle, so you should use it in the most extreme circumstances.

Move out if necessary

When it comes to other people, homeowners often do not have the flexibility to move away. As a tenant, however, if you have bad neighbours, looking elsewhere for a new home may be best.

Dealing with unreasonable people can severely affect your mental health and cause you constant stress that affects your quality of life.

If you have tried everything within reason and have not found common ground, check your lease terms and see if you can break it based on the dispute.

Just remember, even if you break your lease early, you may still be responsible for an end of tenancy cleaning. To avoid any trouble with getting your bond back, you may want to look into hiring a professional company to take care of that for you.


Avoiding conflict with your neighbours will only increase your quality of life, and getting along will help create many more happy memories. However, when that is not possible, properly handling disputes is essential for your well-being.

Do not hesitate to involve your landlord and legal representatives when necessary. Remember that if it becomes too much to handle at any point, you can always look into options to leave your current place and look for a new home.

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