Home Lifestyle News Britain a nation of nosy neighbours

Britain a nation of nosy neighbours

by LLB Reporter
9th Nov 18 8:18 am

A study released today by Arlo Technologies inc, the smart home security experts, shows that Britain is a nation of nosy neighbours, with 46% of respondents snooping on neighbours. The nation admitted to opening a window, peeping through curtains or over a fence, or turning down the TV to listen in on their neighbours.

A deeper look at the study paints a picture of British communities that love their neighbours and who want to be helpful and kind. Eight out of ten said they like or are friends with their neighbours, and neighbourly nosiness often has good intentions, with 61% citing their curiosity as looking out for their neighbours and staying connected on local happenings.

With almost half (46%) actively using Facebook and WhatsApp groups to alert residents to security issues and anti-social behaviour, this suggests an obvious trend in communities.

CCTV not intrusive

People’s attitudes towards CCTV are positive with two thirds (67%) having already installed or wanting to install a smart security device. Nine out of ten (89%) said they would not change their behaviour if neighbours had security cameras installed.

“We’re seeing consumers embrace technology to look out for their homes and communities,” said Rob Wells, VP Sales EMEA at Arlo Technologies. “32% of our respondents said they use CCTV to resolve everyday neighbourhood disputes such as pet fouling or parking offences but of course CCTV is primarily used for securing our homes. With darker days drawing in, simple measures like wire-free and weather-proof security lights can be easily installed and act as a good deterrent, especially during November dubbed ‘Burglary Month’”.

A neighbour in need is a friend indeed

The survey reinforces the caring nature of British communities when it comes to responding in times of need. Understandably, the majority turn to family members first, but neighbours come second, ahead of friends. If they lose their keys, 28% would turn to neighbours, compared to one in ten (12%) who would go to a friend. More than a fifth (21%) would ask neighbours to help out with their pets and, after the traumatizing event of a burglary, 22% would ask for a neighbour to help while only 9% would ask friends.

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