Home Business Insights & Advice How to determine food poisoning and how to treat it

How to determine food poisoning and how to treat it

by Sponsored Content
4th Oct 22 1:00 pm

What is food poisoning? 48 million Americans experience food poisoning every year, and some of them get severe pain that should be hospitalized. It is a serious problem that affects each person differently. What you eat matters a lot here because the food you eat is the main cause of foodborne disease or food poisoning. But it does not end to that! You may feel unpleasant and painful signs of food poisoning.

The causes of food poisoning

So, what’s food poisoning? Well, the main reason behind food poisoning is food and beverage contamination. To make it clear, there are three types of contamination:

  • Chemical. Nitrogen, bleach, pesticides, metals, etc.
  • Physical. Rubber, bone, plastic, and glass.
  • Biological. Bacteria, mold, viruses, and fungi.

Personal hygiene, allergies, unsafe source of food, improper temperature, and inadequate cooking would also cause foodborne illness. So, after having unwanted contaminations, what are signs of food poisoning?

Food poisoning symptoms

Food poisoning symptoms may vary from mild to severe, and it can take a few hours or even days till you fully recover. In other words, the type of infection determines how serious the illness is. The main food poisoning symptoms include:

  • Feeling sick (nausea)
  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea or blood diarrhea 
  • Stomach cramps and abdominal pain
  • Fever
  • Weakness
  • Signs of dehydration 
  • Dizziness and blurred vision

Even though foodborne is not a fatal illness, you should not risk having contaminated food. No matter how mild or serious the contamination is, your body will be affected negatively.

How to cure food poisoning

Sometimes it is so easy to fall into the trap, so what helps with food poisoning?! Well, many people can recover at home if the illness is minor. But if your case is severe, visit your doctor. Here are some food poisoning treatments:

  • Stay hydrated. Drink water, fruit juice, and other drinks high in electrolytes because your body loses a lot of water while being food poisoned.
  • Get some rest. Give your body time to recover.
  • Take over-the-counter (OCT) medicines. Pepto-Bismol and Loperamide help your body get back on track.
  • Eat bland food. Low fat and fiber like banana, cereal, toast, saltines, etc.
  • IV Hydration Therapy. Acts quickly and effectively, Recovers your body, relieves from adverse symptoms, and instantly hydrates.

The trick is that IV Hydration Therapy brings back the lost nutrients and vitamins to your body through your circulatory system, and it boosts the immune system. It all adds up to this: take care of your body!

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