Home Business NewsBusinessAutomotive News How to claim for pothole damage: 94% of UK drivers complain about the state of our roads

How to claim for pothole damage: 94% of UK drivers complain about the state of our roads

by LLB Reporter
14th Mar 23 7:29 am

Recent data showed that a staggering 94 percent of British drivers stated potholes were a major issue on our roads, with 93 percent admitting that local councils are not doing enough to keep our roads safe and up to standard.

The research, commissioned by used car buying service ChooseMyCar.com, showed that this feeling was consistent across the country, and various age demographics.

The study shows a worrying level of low confidence in our local councils. This lack of trust is not helped by the fact that many don’t make claiming for pothole damage an easy process.

So what should you do if your vehicle has been damaged by the state of your local roads?

How to claim for damage

  1. First of all, if it’s safe, take a picture of the pothole/road failing that caused the damage to your car, as well as the damage it caused to your vehicle. Also note the date and time that the incident took place.
  2. Secondly, make a note of the exact location of the pothole/failing – the more detailed the better – so you can accurately report.
  3. Next, find out which local council is responsible for the road where your car was damaged. Report the pothole so that they have a record of this complaint, too. It might also prevent other drivers from having the same issue! Depending on where you are in the country, there will b e different organisations responsible. Here’s a quick list of where to start:
  1. Follow the instructions to claim, including any rough quotes you have received for repairing the damage.
  2. Follow up the claim if you don’t hear anything – be persistent.

Founder of Car Finance Specialists ChooseMyCar.com, Nick Zapolski, said he hoped these tips helped people to claim for damage.

“Some of our roads, especially in rural areas, are just accidents waiting to happen. And when they do, many councils don’t make claiming for damage easy or transparent.

“I barely know anyone that hasn’t had damage to their car this winter due to potholes and the general state of our roads.These stats prove that drivers have had enough, and it’s time for councils to take action to improve our roads. Significant investment is needed to fix problems quickly, and properly, rather than the temporary measures we seem to get lumbered with.”

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