Home Insights & Advice How to boost sales and increase brand awareness with vehicle graphics

How to boost sales and increase brand awareness with vehicle graphics

by Sponsored Content
5th Mar 20 9:00 am

Whether you’re a startup business or a long-established one, you depend on marketing and advertising to boost sales. You may have the best product in the market, but it isn’t beneficial if consumers can’t locate your business. The necessity of brand awareness and recognition plays a vital role in successful advertising.

One way to increase sales and make your brand known is by using vehicle graphics. It’s an underestimated method of advertisement, but it has proven to be very useful in marketing. Vehicles are found everywhere in our modern world, other than being used for the obvious – transportation. Your company vehicle can be a mobile blank canvas you can use to portray any imagery and messaging.

Many experts will advise you that the secret to good marketing is to make a great first impression. However, creating a lasting impression is the real secret to effective marketing. Using vehicle graphics is a great way to achieve this for your company. Whether you’re running your daily errands or parked somewhere or stuck in traffic, if you’ve branded your vehicle, the message and brand name is being viewed by everyone around you.

Types of vehicle graphics

There’s a broad range of video graphics you can choose for your company. The following are the most popular solutions.


Vinyl graphics and lettering provide a quick and easy advertising solution for your company vehicles. Decals are self-adhesive and can be easily installed by a professional. The stickers are simple to apply and remove and can also be created in fast turnaround time, so they are best for promotions and ad hoc usage. Car stickers are also waterproof. They can be fixed on the vehicle’s bodywork and the inside/outside of the windows of the car.

They are an affordable and quicker alternative to full vehicle wraps and are mostly designed with the vehicle’s color and bodywork in mind, rather than a whole cover-up of the car.

Vehicle wraps

Car wrapping works as a form of exceptional signage that represents the quality of your brand in positive imagery. Large sheets of vinyl are used to cover, transform, and uplift your fleet of vehicles. They are usually heated and molded to conform to the exact contours of your company’s vehicles.

It’s an expensive form of vehicle graphics and should be done professionally. You can choose to remove the wrapping at the end of the advertising campaign or the end of the car’s life usage.

Magnetic car signs

Magnetic car signs are another useful type of vehicle branding. They are easy in cleaning and maintenance and are also fade-resistant. They are easy to apply and remove, so they are easily moveable and can be placed anywhere on your vehicle.

The benefits of vehicle graphics for your business

Builds customer confidence

Most people find it a risky venture dealing with companies they’ve never dealt with or never heard about before. They avoid having a bad experience or not getting their money’s worth, so if you have a good branding and better presentation, you’ll have the edge over your competitors.

Anything you can do to elevate your company’s reliability is a good investment. Why should you arrive in a plain van when you can come in a branded car with your company’s brand and contact details on the side? It will create a lasting impression and show professionalism with a bright, lively appearance.

Some good examples are industries with loyal repeat customers like electricians or plumbers. You may be shocked to know that most of their customers may have never visited their premises. They may have got their contacts from a branded vehicle because seeing the company’s brand on the cars gives them a sense of assurance.

It boosts sales

The sides of your company’s vehicles can be mobile billboards that go everywhere your business goes. If you think about it, people who may be interested in your products and services can come to learn about your existence from seeing your vehicle graphics on your car while parked on location or out on the road. This will create brand awareness and increase your company’s sales.

When customers see your branded vehicle on-site at another job, it comes with it a certain amount of social proof. It’s the psychology where people are likely to use your company because they know other people are doing it. It means that potential customers won’t only see your advertising on the vehicle, but it will give them an assurance that someone else has hired your services or bought your products. It’s a positive endorsement for a first-time client who was unsure about your company.

It’s an affordable form of advertising

Vehicle branding is a cost-effective form of advertising and marketing. You’re always on the move with your company vehicle, and you get to reach 30,000 to 80,000 potential customers in a day.

The traditional way of advertising on billboards is expensive and highly competitive. You have to fight for prime spots at train stations or bus stations with big brands that have money to burn, and this makes it expensive, and the ad won’t even be up for long. In essence, the advertising expenditure for a billboard would consistently be up, and if you wanted to buy more time at that location, then you still have to part with more money.

Vehicle branding, however, is a one-time expense. Once you’ve designed your graphics and you’ve had them installed, they will work for you over a long period. With vinyl branding, you can always replace them when you’re rebranding or changing your messaging in the future.

A vehicle fleet with graphics can boost your brand.

If your company owns and operates a fleet of vehicles, it can work as an excellent tool for creating brand awareness. It’s an effective strategy that can boost sales, especially when it comes to building trust with new customers who don’t know a lot about your products or services.

It’s the same way that the world’s recognized brands have worked like Apple’s logo equals its recognition as a tech powerhouse, and the Cadbury’s glass pouring milk is associated with chocolate. Your company’s uniformly branded cars or vans can be out there to help associate specific design elements and colors with you as the authority in your field.

The best tactics to get your vehicle branding strategy right

To ensure that your vehicle graphics achieve the expected results and reach a broader audience, there are tactics you need to apply. Let’s look at a few that will ensure your vehicle branding strategy is a success.

  • Work with professionals.

Despite its potential to increase your company’s brand recognition, vehicle branding can go wrong if not done by experts. Check out https://www.craftsmenind.com/fleet-graphics. In marketing, just like in any other field, you’ll get your money’s worth, so don’t go for cheap. Be prepared to pay experts who know what they are doing.

Professionals will advise you on how to craft the right message for the intended market and the right vehicles and sizes to use. They know how to balance the appearance of letters on small cars, so that they are easy to read. They know what fonts and what to include. For example, if you’re looking for engagement, and eventually sales, the message may consist of a website and contact details in bold for quick and easy reading.

Please don’t make a mistake, especially with small vehicles, by turning them into colorful product catalogs, which makes it hard to read when the car is moving. It’s also not advisable to provide product listings either just like on billboards where brevity is essential, in that a driver or bystander has a few seconds to read the message on your vehicle.

  • Choose suitability

This means choosing the type of vehicle graphics that’s suitable for your business and brand. While vehicle branding can be used to market both B2B and B2C businesses, the strategy is best ideal for B2C brands where fast-moving consumer brands mostly dominate. With FMCBs, they depend on color and design appeal to the market and gain sales while B2B purchasing of products is dependent on compatibility and technical details. B2B vehicle branding will be minimal and will only include the brand name and logo.

  • Selecting motor vehicles

Vehicles with newer paintwork and body offer a better option to vehicle branding than the older ones. This is because some old models of cars may make branding of the vehicle more tasking, owing to their beady, rusty, and lumpy bodies, which may make it challenging to apply the messaging perfectly.

Different types of vehicles allow for different kinds of branding. For example, a large truck has a large surface area and will enable you to parade a host of different products or services you may be offering.

It would help if you also chose roadworthy vehicles. You wouldn’t want your company vehicles breaking down frequently. It might reflect negatively on your company.

Wrapping up

Vehicle branding is a great way to market your business and build brand awareness with your potential customers. Your company’s vehicles are a mobile representation of your business standing and values. By taking the time to create exceptional graphics, you can enjoy the benefits of branding and advertising opportunities available, and this will help set your business apart from your competitors.

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