Home Business NewsPolitics News How rich is Vince Cable? 

How rich is Vince Cable? 

27th Jul 17 11:18 am

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Sir Vince Cable is a former Secretary of State for business, innovation and skills and MP and has just been elected as the leader of the Liberal Democrats, although no ran against him.

As well as being the MP for Twickenham and the Lib Dem leader he is also a successful author and even featured in a Strictly Come Dancing christmas special. 

So how rich is Vince Cable?

Source of Wealth

Cable is the MP for Twickenham so will receive a basic MP annual salary of £76,011. 

MPs also receive expenses to cover the costs of running an office, employing staff, having somewhere to live in London and in their constituency, and travelling between Parliament and their constituency.

As well as being an MP Cable is a successful author with several bookings covering economic and financial topics and his memoirs. His first fiction novel Open Arms is due for release in September 2017.

In 2011 he was fined £500 by the HMRC for failing to pay his £25,000 tax bill on time due to an administrative error.

His estimated earnings in that year were £192,000, of which £20,000 came from book deals and £65,738 from his MP salary.

Cable is also a highly sought after keynote speaker where it is reported he charges up to £15,000.


In 1974 Cable bought a three-bedroom semi-detached house in Twickenham for £13,500, it is now said to be worth over a £1m.

Cables and his wife Rachel Smith also have a farm in New Forest near the village of Brockenhurst, where properties range from £500,000 to over a million.

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